Accreditation & CQI

LCME Site Visit Planned for October 21  24

Accreditation & Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

The College of Medicine – Tucson (COM-T) prides itself in its pursuit of excellence in patient care, research and education. In an on-going effort to improve our medical education program, a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) system has been established, linked directly to the expectations for educational process and outcomes as contained in accreditation standards to carry out improvements in a systematic way. See CQI policy.

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2023 You Said ... We Did Report

The You Said ... We Did Report is an effort to close the feedback loop in the college-student partnership to engage in continuous quality improvement of the MD program. The 2023 report consists of two installments that provide responses to, and summaries of the college’s actions to address, student feedback compiled from the December 2022 Independent Student Analysis (ISA).

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Medical Education Data Requests

The College of Medicine – Tucson’s Medical Education Data Request Policy protects medical student confidentiality and provides restrictions on requests for and use of COM-T undergraduate medical education data for research and program improvement purposes. Data requests must be submitted to and approved by the Accreditation & Analytics Office. Medical education data must be used in a manner that protects student confidentiality.

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Improving the Medical Student Experience

COM-T strives to provide a positive and effective learning environment for all our students. Follow the link below to learn about some of the ways we are ensuring that our educational spaces are up to par and that our curriculum is coordinated and effective.

They said ...

Increase transparency on mistreatment and the college’s response.

We did ...

We updated the professionalism webpage to include a Professionalism Report Workflow that describes the process and procedures for handling reports of lapses in professionalism and exemplary professionalism in the learning environment. We also updated the Professionalism Data dashboard to show reports collected between April and September 2023 and are planning further updates in early 2024.

They said ...

We need clearer and improved access to educational resources at affiliated hospitals.

We did ...

We made changes to ensure that the necessary resources and systems are in place for students, including access to personal storage, laptops, electronic health records, and support for completing credentialing paperwork.

They said ...

We would like improvements to campus study spaces and the student lounge.

We did ...

We are working to renovate the student lounge and refresh the study rooms on the third floor of the college. We are continuing to involve our students throughout the planning process to ensure their needs and desires are met.

While the institutional self-study and quality improvement are integral components of the preparation for an accreditation survey visit, our students and their future patients animate the college’s engagement in these important activities.

Watch this video to see for yourself.