Guidelines for Continuing Status and Promotion (COM)
Official guidelines for Continuing Status and Promotion at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.
Official guidelines for Continuing Status and Promotion at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.
Application form for College of Medicine - Tucson residencies and fellowships at our University of Arizona Medical Center - University Campus location.
This Conflict of Commitment policy is promulgated to direct College of Medicine - Tucson faculty and their supervisors how much professional absence is permitted, when and whether accrued vacation leave must be used for such absences, and when special permission from a faculty member's Department Head or Dean is required. This policy applies to all COM faculty members, whether full- or part-time.
Research on the subject of unconscious bias in hiring and evaluation.
This manual sets forth the duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges for Trainees. It is divided into three sections: the first section provides policies that are unique to Trainees; the second section addresses conduct and performance concerns, including the due process guidelines for non-disciplinary and disciplinary action; and the third section includes links to the Banner Health policies that are applicable to all Trainees.
Guidelines describing the procedural rights afforded to Trainees while participating in a UACOM-Tucson ACGME-accredited or Non-Standard Training Program.