
COM-T Space Request

COM-T Space Request

If a department or center cannot meet space needs with current allocation, the department head or center director should submit this form to the Space Committee. It provides detailed information regarding how much and what type of space is needed, what programs it will support, and who will occupy it. The committee will send notification once a decision has been reached.

Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harrassment Policy (UA)

The University of Arizona is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination. This policy defines discrimination and harrassment, and explains the obligations of the UA and all employees, students, and other community members to maintain such an environment.

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Communication Service Plan Policy (UA)

These procedures have been developed to provide guidelines to departments for the purchase and charges for supplemental communication plans with service providers external to the University. These plans include mobile phones, pagers, data lines, and internet service providers.

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