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2022 Fall Resident and Fellow Research Scholarship:

GME is pleased to announce a call for applications for our 2022 Fall Resident and Fellow Research Scholarships.  These scholarships are aimed at any resident or fellow who has the potential to become a future leader in his/her chosen field.  All Applicants must be nominated by their program director.

The University of Arizona's College of Medicine - Tucson, Office of Graduate Medical Education will identify residents or fellows who have a proven track record of excellence and demonstrate potential in becoming future academic leaders in their chosen field.  In order to further promote the career of these physicians-in-training, the GME office will provide support to promote career-enhancing opportunities and experiences during their residency/fellowship training.  Funding may support the pursuit of an original research proposal (particularly if done in collaboration with a faculty mentor), or with compelling reasons, participation at a national conference, research-related training, or a unique experience.

The deadline for submission is November 1, 2022.  Learn more about this opportunity and selection process in the attached Application. 2022 Fall Resident and Fellow Research Scholarship Application 

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