Financial Affairs

Financial Affairs

The Financial Affairs Office serves as a liaison between the University and College of Medicine – Tucson. Financial Affairs is responsible for fiscal oversight and financial reporting at the College and departmental levels. We service 19 departments, 9 centers/programs, and 21 administrative subunits.

We also function as a satellite bursar's office, and provide guidance and training in the areas of accounting, budgeting, payroll, gift funds, financial/accounting systems, property/asset management, and standardized processes.


The Financial Affairs Office is committed to supporting the Dean, senior leadership, administrative sub-units, college departments and students of the College of Medicine – Tucson by providing quality financial, accounting, administrative and business services.


We strive for excellence in service and innovation to support the College of Medicine community.

General FAQs

How do I make a deposit with a check?

You can deposit checks to the University of Arizona Bursar's Office through our office (College of Medicine room 1103). All UA deposits to be submitted to the Bursar’s Office will be handled through our secure courier service.

When depositing checks, please:

  • Make sure the back of checks have an endorsement stamp.
  • Include a cash receipt with your deposit.
  • Write the cash receipt number on each check.
  • Only submit the check and cash receipt, with no attachments.
Where do I pick up my paycheck?

Paychecks can be picked up on paydays in our office, College of Medicine room 1103. Paychecks are available for pickup after 10:00AM.

I'm a student worker. Where do I pick up my paycheck?

Student checks can be picked up in our office, College of Medicine room 1103. You have to bring your CatCard! 

Please come by between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM. All checks will be locked in a vault at 4:30PM.

How do I change an employee's Full-Time Equivalency (FTE)?
  1. Print the employee's PAF and PCF, and indicate the FTE change on the PAF.
  2. Use the salary calculator in Analytics to recalculate the funding needed at the new FTE rate and write it on the PCF.
  3. Submit the forms to HR for approval and processing.
Where can I find the current Employee Related Expense (ERE) rates?

You can always see current and past ERE rates on the University of Arizona Financial Services Office (FSO) website.

Who should I contact about benefits, tuition, and other financial issues that impact me?

Please contact Human Resources at the Arizona Health Sciences Center for help with these issues:

  • Benefits information
  • Counseling
  • Business support
  • Compensation analysis
  • Employee relations advice
  • New employee orientation
  • Organizational consulting
  • Professional development
  • Qualified tuition reduction program coordination
  • Recruitment and screening strategies
  • Specialized reporting
How do I see my paycheck?

To see current and past paychecks, visit UAccess Employee (NetID login required) and navigate to Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > View Paycheck.

How do we transfer or dispose of property?

Under state law, unwanted University property has to be disposed of through the Surplus Property Office, which sells this property at public auction. Please contact Steve Froehlich or Valerie Ellis for proper disposal of University property.

University departments may also purchase equipment from Surplus Property, or directly from the custodial department.

Is research property tax-exempt?

Yes. The relevant Arizona state statutes are ARS 42-5061 (B-14) and ARS 42-5159 (B-14):

Machinery or equipment used in research and development. For the purposes of this paragraph, "research and development" means basic and applied research in the sciences and engineering, and designing, developing or testing prototypes, processes or new products, including research and development of computer software that is embedded in or an integral part of the prototype or new product or that is required for machinery or equipment otherwise exempt under this section to function effectively. Research and development do not include manufacturing quality control, routine consumer product testing, market research, sales promotion, sales service, research in social sciences or psychology, computer software research that is not included in the definition of research and development, or other nontechnological activities or technical services.

Who is the authorized signer on a Computer Request Form?

Computer Request Forms should be signed by an authorized account delegate, or the fiscal officer for your account.

What property needs to be tagged?

Equipment with a useful life of greater than one year with an aggregate purchase price of $5,000 or greater will receive an A-tag.

Computers and other technology equipment with a useful life of greater than one year with an aggregate purchase price of $1,000 but less than $5,000 will receive an N-tag.

Computers and other technology items purchased through the Office of Information Technology are tagged by Dan Craig and Steve Froehlich. Tagging of all purchases will be coordinated between the purchaser and Steve Froehlich.

What if property changes locations?

If tagged equipment is moved within the College of Medicine, notify Steve Froehlich. Include the tag number and the new location in your email.

Written approval from a supervisor is required for University equipment that will be used at an off-campus location (see the related policy here). This approval must be filed with the University of Arizona Financial Services Office, using this form:

What time code should I use for jury duty or some other uncommon event?

Visit UAccess self-service (NetID login required) to see these time codes.

How do I get approval to travel?

The University of Arizona Travel Office publishes a Travel Authorization form. Your supervisor needs to fill out this form and affirm that:

  • the travel is for a valid public purpose;
  • funds are available;
  • the travel is authorized under the terms of any relevant grants or contracts;
  • you have current vehicle insurance and a valid driver's license (if you are driving your own vehicle).

This form has to be submitted to the Travel Office before you leave. If you are requesting an advance, you have to sign the form too.

If the travel is for a Sponsored Projects account, your Principal Investigator (PI) counts as your supervisor. The Dean must approve all travel by department heads.

For answers to any additional questions, see the University's official travel policies.

Where do I send a completed Travel Authorization form?

Keep a copy of the signed form, so that you can attach it to travel expense claims when you submit these to our office.

Send the original signed form to the Travel Office in the University of Arizona Financial Services Office:

Travel Office
Tel: (520) 621-9097
Fax: (520) 626-1243

FSO Travel
University Services Building
888 N. Euclid, Room 402
PO Box 3310
Tucson, AZ 85722-3310

What is a "fiscal officer?"

The fiscal officer is the responsible person assigned to manage your account. However, fiscal officers frequently assign delegates to approve documents on their behalf. Primary and Secondary delegates are authorized to approve electronic documents in UAccess Financials, and to approve financial documents within certain dollar limits. 

Please see your assigned subunit accountant for more information about delegating these responsibilities.

FAQs for Administrative Subunits

Can I deposit cash at the Financial Affairs office?

Yes. We are a satellite location of the University of Arizona Bursar's Office, and will handle making the deposit for administrative subunits of the College of Medicine – Tucson.  

Please safeguard cash in a secure location, such as a locked file cabinet or safe, until you are able to bring it to us.

Can we purchase coffee for our office?

In most circumstances, coffee purchased for general office use for employees is not an allowable expense. Exceptions include offices with reception areas frequently used by outside visitors or clients (for example, the Dean's Office).

How can we purchase a water cooler for our office?

Water purchased from Oasis or a similar vendor for general use should be coded as a business entertainment expense (5550).

Do not code water or a water cooler as a business meeting expense (5170). General office water does not meet the definition of a business meeting expense.

How do I pay for alcoholic purchases at a catered event?

Alcohol cannot be paid for on any University of Arizona accounts. Prior permission must be obtained in order to obtain reimbursement of such expenses.

If reimbursement is preapproved, please make sure the vendor issues a separate invoice for the alcohol. Submit this invoice to our office for payment through the UA Foundation.

What is the policy for purchasing flowers, birthday cards or other personal acknowledgments for staff?

University funds cannot be used to purchase gifts of any nature—including plants, flowers, cards and similar items—for occasions like birthdays, births or marriages.

Floral arrangements may be sent upon the death of a College of Medicine – Tucson Administration staff member, or the family member of a staff member. In this unfortunate event, please contact the Office of Special Events at (520) 626-6177.

In the event that a College of Medicine – Tucson Administration staff member is hospitalization or suffers an extended, his or her subunit may access discretionary funding for flower arrangements through the UA Foundation. If they do not have discretionary funding, the unit may request funding from the Associate or Assistant Dean of Finance.

How do I check out a PCard?

Financial Affairs has several purchasing cards available for administration and subunits that do not have a PCard. They can be checked out from our office (Room 1103).

You will fill out a checkout sheet for the card, including information about the purpose of the purchase. The card must be returned to the Financial Affairs Office by 4:30 PM along with receipts and a completed use log.

My PCard was lost or stolen! What should I do?
  1. Notify JP Morgan Chase Customer Services at 1 (800) 270-7760.
  2. Call PCard Customer Service at (520) 626-9091. Leave a message with all of the details, including your name and contact information.
Can I check out a PCard over the weekend for a special event?

Yes. We need 24 hours notice and a request from your supervisor documenting the business purpose, and explaining how the card will be used.

You will have to pick up and return the PCard during our normal business hours.

Can I pay for airfare on a PCard?

Airfare is an allowable expense only if you have a PCard with the Travel Enhancement package. Please check with the department PCard holder prior to using the PCard for this purpose.

Can I pay for lodging/hotel expenses on a PCard?

Hotel/lodging cannot be charged to a PCard. Instead, you can make hotel arrangements in several ways:

  1. Herod Travel Services can make the arrangements and send an invoice.
  2. The Travel Office can make the reservation for you on one of their PCards.
  3. The employee can make the arrangements and get a reimbursement.
Can I pay for a catering event at a hotel with a PCard?

Hotel/lodging expenses are normally not allowed on your PCard. You may contact the PCard liaison for your unit and request that the PCard be opened for a limited time period to accept catering event charges.

What can I purchase with a PCard?

PCards can only be used for purchases under $5,000. The following items are among those that can be paid for with a PCard:

  • Books
  • Cell phone service
  • Computer equipment
  • Conference registration
  • Laboratory supplies
  • Operational supplies
  • Professional memberships and dues
  • Repairs
  • Small office equipment 
  • Subscriptions
What can I not purchase with a PCard?

These purchases are among those not allowed on a PCard:

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Business meetings or business entertainment (except with optional PCard Plus enhancement)
  • Gasoline for vehicles or rental vehicles
  • Gifts (some gifts are disguised as registrations), donations, or service awards including but not limited to flowers and decorations
  • Gift cards
  • Hazardous material
  • Hotel bills
  • Independent contractors
  • Medical services
  • Moving expenses

Please visit the Purchasing Card policies manual for a complete list of disallowed expenses. Some of these items may be purchased using a disbursement voucher, requisition or other method instead.

Do I need to attach the Travel Authorization form to every expense associated with a trip?

Yes. Even if you attached the Travel Authorization form to a previous document, you should attach a copy to every PCard form or expense form cover sheet. Please also attach an event/meeting announcement.

You should also reference the Travel Authorization number in the appropriate places on the expense or PCard form.

Financial Affairs Resources

Contact Info

Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Tel: (520) 626-4854
Fax: (520) 626-5088

Office of Financial Affairs
University of Arizona
College of Medicine – Tucson
PO Box 245019
1501 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85724


Tel: (520) 626-4854
Fax: (520) 626-5088

Finance Office 

1501 N. Campbell Ave.
Building 201, Room 1103

Budget/Human Resources 

1501 N. Campbell Ave.
Building 201, Room 1104

Mailbox Locations

A University of Arizona campus mailbox is located in College of Medicine room 1103, on your right as you enter the room. The University Services Building courier box and the University of Arizona Administration courier box are located outside of room 1103.The courier does not go to the third floor of the Administration Building. Our office has a drop off box outside of room 1103. If the office is locked, please use the bottom drop box. This box is checked daily.

These are the "For Faculty" Policies and Forms for Financial Affairs

Forms and Templates
