Attendance and Absence Policy


This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for attendance and absences during all phases of the Medical Student Curriculum:

Preclerkship Phase:   This curriculum phase of study is defined as the first 18-months of medical school with focus on the 8 basic sciences core courses, Doctor & Patient/Societies course, and the Clinical Reasoning course, including all Pathways to Health and Medicine curriculum sessions intertwined throughout the core courses.

Clerkship Phase:  This curriculum phase of study is defined as the 12-months of 8 core clerkship courses, including Intersessions, Transition to Clerkships, and ambulatory medicine course.  

Transition to Residency Phase:  This curriculum phase of study is defined as the final 14-months of clinical curriculum, including core subinternship, electives, surgical subspecialty, emergency medicine/critical care clerkship, Application of the Basic Sciences to Clinical Medicine course. 

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