Anesthesiology Research
The Department of Anesthesiology consists of 41 dedicated faculty members, many of whom actively engage in basic science and clinical research ranging from biophysics to heart failure and hypertension.
Medical students, residents and fellows participate in research activities within the department. Clinical research is conducted alongside our clinical partners at Banner – University Medicine, where our clinical faculty provide attending services in the operating rooms and critical care units, contributing to research in this field.
Research Areas
- Developing ultrasound techniques for endotracheal tube position assessment
- Evaluating inhalation anesthetics: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
- Biotransformation and potential toxicity
- Assessing new intravenous anesthetics
- Studying antiemetic agents for post-anesthesia nausea and vomiting
- Research on intravenous anesthetic antagonists.
- Efficacy and application of neuromuscular relaxants
- Reducing labor pain for epidural placement
- Effects of regional anesthetic techniques on maternal analgesia
- Evaluating opioid/local anesthetic combinations for maternal pain relief
- Cardiovascular effects of regional anesthesia during pregnancy
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation research
- Managing chronic pain with implantable devices
- Evaluating new pharmacological agents for chronic pain treatment
- Evaluating monitoring devices for oxygen delivery and cardiovascular function
- Investigating new modalities for assessing anesthesia depth and awareness
- Exploring the molecular mechanisms of anesthetic gases
- Molecular mechanism of anesthetic gas molecules
- Transcranial Ultrasound (TUS) effects on traumatic brain injury and post-operative cognitive dysfunction quantum mechanics and consciousness
Co-founded by Professor Emeritus Stuart Hameroff, MD, the Center for Consciousness Studies explores the profound and fundamental question of how the brain produces conscious experience.