
Medical Education Distinction Track

The Medical Education Distinction Track helps medical students who are interested in pursuing careers in academic medicine, and will provide students with a strong background and possible head start in teaching during residency, in selection to training programs that include educational components or tracks, and possibly in future selection to faculty-level positions. 

The Medical Education Distinction Track includes both coursework and non-classroom activities. Each student is matched with a faculty mentor who meets with the student at least once each semester and advises the student for all four years in the program. 


  • Principles and Practice of Medical Education 
    Complete by spring semester 
  • Start capstone journal 
  • Meet with mentor to finalize capstone project proposal, and submit proposal by November 1 
    Third semester (fall) 
  • Complete online training for Human Subjects Protection 


  • Maintain capstone journal
  • Provide progress report for capstone project 
    Due January 1

Transition to residency phase

  • Maintain capstone journal 
  • Independent Study for Capstone Project
    2 units
  • Complete selective course
  • Provide progress report for capstone project to steering committee by July 1 and again by December 1
  • Meet with mentor to discuss and receive feedback on drafts of capstone project
  • Submit final written report on capstone project by the first Monday in March
  • Complete oral presentation of capstone project during the week of the first Monday in March
  • Present capstone project at annual Medical Education Research Day

MED 896T 
Principles & Practice of Medical Education
Non-Grad Credits: 1

Selective Courses

Grad Credits 1-2

MED 896J 
Teaching in Medicine: CRC Facilitation 

MED 896C
Teaching in Medicine: Skills for Teaching Clinical Skills

CMM 896 
Gross Anatomy Lab Assistant 

MED 896D or 896E
Peer Tutoring 1 or 2 

FCM 896K 
Planning & Assisting in Teaching an Undergraduate Class 

MED 898 
Medical Education Distinction Track Capstone 
Grad Credits 2

How to Apply

If you would like to be considered for acceptance into the MEDT, please compile the items below into a single PDF document and submit it to the MEDT director and coordinator by November 1.

  1. Basic Information: name, class year, contact information
  2. Letter of Intent: a brief letter (no more than one page) detailing your interest in medical education and any experience you have in education, medical or otherwise. This letter will help in matching you with your faculty mentor, so please highlight any specific interests you may have in the area of medical education.
  3. Resume


Director: TBD

Coordinators: Travis Garner and Christina Renteria