
Current Residents and Fellows


Schedule an Appointment

Residents and fellows can schedule an individual appointment for any of the following:

  • In-training exams
  • Specialty and subspeciality board exams
  • USMLE Step 3/COMLEX-USA Level 3
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Retention challenges
  • Learning strategies
  • Study schedules
  • Pre-rounding efficiency
  • Time management and efficiency issues (for studying)
  • Integrating feedback and effectively asking for feedback


Coaching and Advising Workshops

Coaching and advising can help empower your journey. Take the first step today and plan your strategy session.

  • Create a personalized study plan for board studying (specialty- or subspecialty-specific requests)
  • Setting realistic study goals for your ITE and beyond
  • Myths of learning styles and tips for learning
  • Strategies for using a question bank
  • Learning strategies and test-taking tips
  • Learning strategies/recommendations for professional reading
  • Effectively asking for feedback
  • Using feedback
  • Other workshops available upon request


All appointments are provided free of charge to all residents and fellows.

Contact RoseMarie Smith at to schedule, change or cancel your appointment. Please notify the office 24 hours in advance of a cancellation, allowing us to use the time for other residents or fellows in need.

Resident and Fellow Learning Specialist

RoseMarie Smith, MA

Certified School Psychologist

Educational Consultant

Behavior Specialist


Residents and fellows visit for various reasons: to learn more efficient ways of studying, develop an effective study plan, explore test-taking strategies, edit a statement for a fellowship, figure out a pre-rounding strategy, and more. Regardless of why you would like to meet, any resident or fellow is welcome to make an appointment.

It is helpful to have a general idea of what you would like to focus on (study plan for an in-training exam, pre-rounding efficiency, etc.). During our first meeting, you will be asked about your background, and you and the specialist will discuss your past and current strategies for learning and other information as relevant. Finally, you will get into why you made the appointment in the first place, so it is always a good idea to know what you hope to take away from the appointment. 

The GME learning specialist does not handle accommodations. Instead, there is a specific process to follow for accommodations depending on the type of accommodations you seek. Some accommodation requests are handled through the Disability Resource Center at the University of Arizona. Please get in touch with the appropriate contact below, depending on the accommodation you seek.

Cheryl Muller (in-service exam accommodations)

Senior Associate Director


Workplace Access (workplace accommodations)


Most appointments are voluntary and stay between you and the GME learning specialist. However, in some situations, if your program requires you to make a meeting (e.g., for an ITE referral), meeting dates, a general summary of the meeting and recommendations will be shared with program personnel. If there is something you would not like shared with your program, please be sure to let the GME learning specialist know when you meet.

Additional Links and Resources

2023 Fall Resident and Fellow Research Scholarship

GME is pleased to announce a call for applications for our 2023 Fall Resident and Fellow Research Scholarships. These scholarships are aimed at any resident or fellow who has the potential to become a future leader in their chosen field. All applicants must be nominated by their program director. The Office of Graduate Medical Education will identify residents or fellows with a proven track record of excellence and who demonstrate potential to become future academic leaders in their chosen field. To further promote the career of these physicians-in-training, the GME office will provide support to encourage career-enhancing opportunities and experiences during their residency/fellowship training. Funding may support pursuing an original research proposal (particularly if done in collaboration with a faculty mentor) or, with compelling reasons, participation at a national conference, research-related training or a unique experience.

The deadline for submission is November 1, 2023. Learn more about this opportunity and the selection process in the below application.

 2023 Fall Resident and Fellow Research Scholarships Application

Dean’s Scholarship for Residents and Fellows

Residents and fellows pursuing coursework at the University of Arizona can apply for scholarship funding through the Dean’s Scholarship for Residents and Fellows, which assists physicians pursuing educational coursework and residency training. Awardees can receive up to $5,000 per semester for a maximum of $10,000 award. Applicants must be employed by Banner Health and pursuing coursework (online or traditional) at the University of Arizona. Their employment must be expected to continue for six months or more at the time of application. The Dean’s Scholarship for Residents and Fellows is a competitive scholarship. Preference will be given to applicants enrolled in UArizona Health Sciences courses directly aligned with their professional career goals. Applicants will be asked to describe how the course(s) will further their career goals. For more information about the application process, contact the GME office at

 Download Application Form