Anne M Wertheimer, PhD
Assistant Research Professor, BIO5 Institute
Assistant Professor, Applied BioSciences - Graduate Interdisciplinary Program
Director, Diagnostic Laboratory Sciences, AB-GIDP
Associate Director, UA Infectious Disease Research Core
- BS: Michigan State University, Microbiology 1988
- PhD: Oregon Health Sciences University, Microbiology/Immunology 1997
Abbott Laboratories,Virology/Immunology 1997?1998
Oregon Health & Science University, Gastrontology/Hepatology/Immunology 2000?2002
Honors and Awards
State of Michigan Competitive Scholarship, Michigan State University, 1984
Academic Excellence, Michigan State University, 1984
American Association of University Women Scholarship, Michigan State University, 1984
Tarter Fellowship Award, competitive award, MRF Foundation, 1993
Dean's Award, Oregon Health Sciences University, 1994
Sears Memorial Fellowship Award, Excellence in Graduate Medical Education, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Oregon Health Sciences University, 1994
Pathogenesis Training Fellowship (NIH), Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, 1995-1997
Dean's Award, competitive award for travel to scientific conference, 1996
ASM Sustaining Member Student Travel Grant. 1997
International HCV and Related Viruses Travel Award, 2002
American Liver Foundation Liver Scholar Award, 2002-2005
Affiliate, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Affiliate, American Society for Microbiology
Affiliate, Gerontological Society of America
Affiliate, American Aging Association