Sabrina Ereshefsky
Sabrina Ereshefsky was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, then moved to Southern California to complete her undergraduate degree at Pitzer College. She received a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology from University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where she is currently a Doctoral Candidate in the Human Services Psychology PhD Program's Child Clinical Track. During her tenure in Baltimore, Sabrina worked on the outreach and education team of the Maryland Early Intervention Program, a collaborative for the early identification and treatment of a mental illness with psychosis. Sabrina is excited to work on the multidisciplinary coordinated specialty care team at the EPICenter to help individuals with early psychosis optimize the likelihood of recovery and establish a life of their choosing. Sabrina also holds interests in neuropsychological assessment and research on early identification of individuals at high-risk for psychosis. In her free time, Sabrina enjoys following the San Antonio Spurs, practicing yoga, playing some friendly games of ping-pong, and hiking.