Academic departments at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson fall into two categories: basic science departments and clinical departments.
Clinical departments provide medical care through the Banner – University Medical Center Tucson, our on-site teaching and research hospital. In addition, clinical faculty teach critical components of the medical school curriculum and supervise medical students and residents on clinical rotations.
Faculty in our basic science departments teach in the medical school curriculum, offer courses to undergraduates and graduate students in multiple programs, and present doctoral programs in their respective disciplines.
Departments in both categories maintain active research programs.
- Anesthesiology
- Emergency Medicine
- Family and Community Medicine
- Medical Imaging
- Medicine
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Ophthalmology and Vision Science
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Psychiatry
- Radiation Oncology
- Surgery
- Urology
- Arizona AIDS Education and Training Center
- Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
- Arizona Center on Aging
- Arizona Emergency Medicine Research Center
- Arizona Telemedicine Program
- Steele Children’s Research Center
- The University of Arizona Arthritis Center
- Sarver Heart Center
- The Thomas D. Boyer Liver Institute
- The Valley Fever Center for Excellence
College of Medicine – Tucson
- Admissions Office
- Alumni Affairs
- Access, Community and Belonging
- Faculty Affairs
- Financial Aid
- Graduate Medical Education (University Campus)
- Information Technology Services
- Student Affairs (under construction)
University of Arizona Health Sciences
- BioCommunications
- Campus Health
- Contracts Office
- Human Resources @ The Health Sciences
- Office of Communications
- Research Administration