Beth E. Meyerson, MDiv, PhD

Professor, Family and Community Medicine
Director, Harm Reduction Research Lab, Family and Community Medicine
Director of Policy, Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center
Member of the Graduate Faculty

Dr. Meyerson directs the Harm Reduction Research Lab at the College of Medicine – Tucson, is the director of policy for the Center for Comprehensive Pain and Addiction, and is faculty of UArizona’s LGBTQI+ Institute.

She has three decades of public health practice and research experience, typified by roles as president of a policy research consultancy focused on HIV and sexually transmitted diseases with an international portfolio, as the state AIDS/STD director for Missouri, and directing a nonprofit AIDS service organization.

Current Projects as Principal Investigator:

  • ASAP – Access to Syringes at Pharmacies for the Prevention of Blood Borne Infections among People who Inject Drugs. Funded by the National Institutes on Drug Abuse
  • Evidence for Action: COVID as a window of opportunity to normalize MOUD Access. Funded by FORE Foundation For Opioid Response Efforts
  • Evidence & Action to Normalize MAT Access in AZ. Funded by Vitalyst Health Foundation
  • MPACT: Methadone Patient Access to Collaborative Treatment. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (R61DA059889)


Current Project as Co-Principal Investigator:

  • PharmNet: Strengthening the Safety Net for Overdose and HIV/HCV Prevention through Indiana’s Network of Pharmacies. Funded by the Indiana University Grand Challenge: Responding to the Addictions Crisis. Principal Investigators: Beth Meyerson/Jon Agley


  • PhD: Saint Louis University, Missouri
  • MDiv: Christian Theological Seminary; Indianapolis, Indiana
Honors and Awards
Distinguished Outreach Faculty, UArizona Provost, Fall 2021 (Award Nominee)