Belinda Sun, MD, PhD, FCAP
Associate Professor, Pathology - (Clinical Scholar Track)
Chief, GI/Liver Pathology Service
Program Director of the GI Fellowship
Dr. Sun is a specialty-trained surgical pathologist providing clinical service in pathology and an active scholar in translational research. Dr. Sun also serves as the head pathologist at the Tissue Acquisition and Cellular/Molecular Analysis Shared Resource (TACMASR) of UA Cancer Center. Dr. Sun's research interest focuses on the development of novel biomarkers and targeted therapies for cancer treatment.
- MD/PhD: Beijing Medical University
University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System Chicago, IL, 2013-2015
Banner-University Medical Center, University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona, 2015-2017
University of Arizona Tucson,GI/Liver Pathology Fellowship, 2017-2018
Board Certifications
American Board of Pathology, 2017
Honors and Awards
Career Development Award, University of Arizona Health Sciences, 2019-2021
MWAFMR Scholarship, Midwestern American Federation for Medical Research , 2013,2015
Trainee Travel Award, Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research, 2013, 2014, 2015
Practice Based Learning Award, University of Illinois Hospital and Health Care System, 2014
Scholarly Activity Award,University of Illinois Hospital and Health Care System, 2015