John A. Szivek, PhD
Principal Investigator

- PhD: University of Toronto, Bioengineering, 1984
- MAS: University of Toronto - Department of Metallurgy & Material Sciences, Bioengineering, 1979
University of Toronto - College of Dentistry, Biomaterials Department,1985
Honors and Awards
College of Medicine Faculty Mentoring Awards, 2020
Outstanding Faculty Mentor, U.B.R.P., University of Arizona, 2008
University Animal Care, Investigator of the Year Award, 2005
WAESO Mentor of the Year, 2003
William and Sylvia Ruben Endowed Chair for Orthopedic Research, 2003
Department of Surgery, Faculty Mentor Honor Roll, 1998
Alberta Visiting Professor Award, Alberta Heritage Foundation, 1997
Louis J. Kettel Faculty Mentor Award, Clinical Sciences Mentor, Medical Student Research Program, 1995
NIH-NIAID Student Researcher Training Travel Award (granted to student carrying out strain gauge studies in lab), 1993
selected paper for presentation at International Society meeting in Copenhagen, 1992
Outstanding Publication of the Year, Journal of Investigative Surgery, Vol. 5, pp. 91-108, 1992
NIH-NCRR Certificate of Recognition, High School Research Apprentice Program, 1992
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1980-1984
University of Toronto Open Scholarship, 1979-1984
Outstanding presentation, The Knee Society, Philadelphia
National Science Foundation Lousi Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)