Sairam Parthasarathy, MD
Dr. Parthasarathy has a broad background in clinical-translational research with emphasis on intervention-based approaches in sleep, COVID, and health disparities. His current research work is focused on as contact-PI or co-investigator: (a) community engaged research alliance against COVID-19 related health disparities (NIH-CEAL Alliance, OT2-HL156812 and OT2-HL158287; Contact-PI); that is Arizona statewide with multiple sub-awardee organizations (Arizona State University [ASU], Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, Arizona Center for Rural Health (AzCRH), Arizona Community Worker Organization (AzCHOW), and Northern Arizona University [NAU] -- Arizona-CEAL). (b) sleep disturbances and the relationship to inflammation and patient-outcomes in critically ill patients and survivors of critical illness; Adult Hub MPI for NIH RECOVER: A Multi-site Observational Study of Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Adults (NIH-NHLBI; OT2-HL161847); and (c) health-services research in sleep medicine with emphasis on patient-centered approaches and dissemination and implementation aspects of interventions aimed to promote treatment adherence in health disparate populations (PI; DI-2018C2-13161; HL138377l; PCORI-IHS-1306-02505) and a nationwide peer-driven intervention for promoting treatment adherence and training the trainers during the COVID-19 pandemic. He is board-certified in Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. Other funded research programs include Arizona Pride-25: Translational Approaches to Health Disparities in the Lung. (NIH-NHLBI; MPI; R25HL126140); UAHS Sleep Research Center Construction Grant (NIH/OD; Center Director; C06OD028307); Site-PI and core leader for Comparative Effectiveness of Zolpidem and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Older Adults (PCORI - CER?2018C2?13262); Site-PI for A Phase Two Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Preliminary Efficacy of Intravenous USB002 to Treat Patients with Respiratory Distress due to COVID-19 Infection (W81XWH2110025; DiZerega; PI); Site-PI for Predictors of Severity of COVID-19 (PRESCO; Sergei Brin Foundation).
- MBBS: Madras Medical College 1990