Preclerkship Student Manual: Class of 2027 (AY 2023-24)
Preclerkship Student Manual for the Class of 2027 (AY 2023-24)
Preclerkship Student Manual for the Class of 2027 (AY 2023-24)
Preclerkship Student Manual for the Class of 2028 (AY 2024-25)
Table views of the 2024–2025 academic calendar for the Primary Care Accelerated Medical Pathway (PCAMP) at the College of Medicine – Tucson, including Deadlines to Withdraw and Receive a Tuition Refund.
Graphic view of the academic calendar for medical students in the Primary Care Accelerated Medical Pathway (PCAMP) track at the College of Medicine.
A list of the current Commitment to Underserved People (CUP) program leaders.
The College of Medicine – Tucson curriculum is designed to develop six education competencies central to the practice of medicine.
In the following competencies and objectives, diversity is understood to include race, sex, ethnicity, culture, ability, disability, socioeconomic status, education level, language, religion, spiritual practices, sexual orientation, gender identity, geographic region, age, country of origin, education, and genetics.
Table views of the 2024–2025 academic calendar, including the Preclerkship Retake and Remediation Schedule, Transition to Clerkships Make-Up Blocks, and Deadlines to Withdraw and Receive a Tuition Refund.
This policy is for medical students at the College of Medicine – Tucson.