Clinical Research

UAHN System User Agreement for Monitors (UAHN)

Must be submitted every three years or if contact information for the monitor or coordinator changes. Submit this form no sooner than one week prior to the day that monitor access will be needed.Monitors who do not have a signed and current UAHN System User Agreement must fill out and sign a new agreement. Ensure that at least one study IRB number is entered on the form, along with the dates that the monitor will be on-site. If the monitor is working on more than one study that requires access to records, we recommend that all of the study IRB numbers be included on the form.

Schema Review Memo (COM)

The Schema Review Memo, along with the reviewed protocol schema, is required prior to Banner and UA IRB review. The Memo provides documentation of the schema review process by the Principal Investigator and the Epic Charge Validator. If there is no Charge Validator because the study will not utilize Banner services, the Study Coordinator information should be provided instead. A blank Schema Review Memo is provided in this link along with three examples of reviewed protocol schemas.
Retrospective Chart Review projects using HSPP Form F203 do not require submission of this document.

Medical Education Data Request Policy

This policy is intended to protect medical student confidentiality and provides restrictions on requests for and use of College of Medicine – Tucson (COM-T) undergraduate Medical Education Data for research and program improvement purposes. Data requests must be submitted to and approved by the Accreditation & Analytics Office. Medical Education Data must be used in a manner that protects student confidentiality.