COYOTE Form Review Policy
This policy outlines the requirement for compliance monitoring and obtaining approval from the Tucson Educational Policy Committee (TEPC) regarding curriculum changes within the undergraduate medical education program.
This approval process ensures that proposed curriculum modifications— documented in a Course Oversight & Yearly Operational Tracking Evaluation (COYOTE) Form—align with education goals and facilitates monitoring compliance with accreditation standards and medical education program policy and guidelines.
University of Arizona Cancer Center Scientific Review Committee (COM)
The University of Arizona Cancer Center Scientific Review Committee reviews interventional treatment of diagnostic or therapeutic nature as well as long term population-based studies involving patients or patient samples.
Tucson Educational Policy Committee Processes and Procedures (COM)
1/26/2022 - It is charged with assuring the highest standards of quality for the educational program leading to the M.D. degree; advancing educational goals; monitoring that accreditation standards are met; and working to assure an excellent, coordinated, integrated, and consistent course of instruction for the preparation of future physicians.
Tucson Educational Policy Committee Subcommittees (COM)
Lists the subcommittees under the Tucson Educational Policy Committee, and the membership and responsibilities of each.
Performance Assessment and Evaluation Policies
These policies describe the process for student performance assessment, and for the evaluation and review of curricular content.
Plan for Student Performance Assessment in Years 1 and 2 (COM)
Outlines the overall system for assessing first- and second-year student performance at the College of Medicine - Tucson, and references specific policies governing assessment that exist within this plan.