Preclerkship Student Manual: Class of 2027 (AY 2023-24)
Preclerkship Student Manual for the Class of 2027 (AY 2023-24)
Preclerkship Student Manual for the Class of 2027 (AY 2023-24)
Preclerkship Student Manual for the Class of 2028 (AY 2024-25)
This document provides answers to some frequently asked questions to guide MD students through the Tuition and Fees Refund Policy.
This policy outlines expectations for students logging duty hours, required clinical conditions/patient encounters (experience logbooks), alternative experiences, and History and Physical Exams (H&Ps) for each clerkship in MedLearn.
This policy outlines options for medical students in the Preclerkship Phase who require parental leave. This policy takes effect beginning in Academic Year 2024–25 with the classes of 2027 and 2028.
This policy establishes parameters for student workload during the Preclerkship Phase.
Note: This policy is effective with the Classes of 2027 and 2028 beginning July 22, 2024.
Clerkship Student Manual for the Class of 2026
The University of Arizona is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination. This policy defines discrimination and harrassment, and explains the obligations of the UA and all employees, students, and other community members to maintain such an environment.
Policy governing student disciplinary procedures at the University of Arizona.
Key information for general student safety. Includes BlueLight maps, phone number, procedures, and alerts.