Medical Education Program
Both a two-week elective and a four-week sub-internship are available for University of Arizona medical students. Four-week visiting sub-internships are available to visiting students by submitting an application through the VSLO website.
The University of Arizona’s online content includes courses ranging from pediatric ethics to human aging, immunology basics, and more. All courses are conveniently offered in a fully online format, allowing students to join from anywhere with an internet connection. Interested University of Arizona students can navigate to schedule.arizona.edu and search by subject and course number to review schedules and availability and should work with their adviser to understand how these courses may fit into their plan of study prior to registering.
URO 505 Urological Healthcare for the Aging Population
1 Unit | Taught by Sunchin Kim, MD
This five-week course focuses on introductory concepts in the field of urology and urological health for older adults. Physiology, anatomical and etiology concepts are explained and utilized through exploration of common urological illnesses experienced by an aging population. Students will have the opportunity to explore medical case studies and learn through debate, interactive graphics and knowledge sharing.
Contact: sunchinkim@urology.arizona.edu
Monica Jimenez
Urology Program Coordinator