College of Medicine – Tucson
We are transforming academic medicine through innovative undergraduate medical education and post-graduate training programs; strategic, interdisciplinary trans-institutional research; collaborative health care delivery; and a strong and engaged faculty.
“There is a revolution coming to health care, and I want to be at the forefront of it.”
– Alexandra Miller, MD/PhD student
Leaders in Scientific Discovery
The University of Arizona is one of the nation’s Top 20 public research universities, and research grant funding at the College of Medicine – Tucson has been growing consistently, more than doubling in a five-year period. The true value of medical research isn’t only measured in dollars. It is ultimately measured in discoveries that impact people’s lives. We’re educating and training the next generation of investigators, who will change lives by making new discoveries and pushing today’s medical advances even further.
Patient Care
Patient care has been an integral part of the College of Medicine – Tucson since its founding more than 55 years ago. Today, we work with clinical partners, including Banner Health and the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System, that operate hospitals and clinics throughout Arizona. These partnerships allow for a seamless integration of clinical faculty who work in area hospitals and clinics. In addition to teaching medical students, training residents and fellows, and caring for patients, many clinical faculty members — including some of the best minds in medicine — have subspecialty expertise and conduct groundbreaking research that is cited in top medical publications and translated into real-world therapies that improve lives.
Job Opportunities at the College of Medicine – Tucson
College of Medicine – Tucson
Leading the Way in Education, Research and Patient Care
Your support helps prepare our students for the myriad of complex health issues they will one day see. It also enables us to recruit exceptional faculty talent to perform groundbreaking research and provide outstanding medical training and patient care.