Policy Review Subcommittee (PRS)


The Policy Review Subcommittee (PRS) is a subcommittee within the Tucson Educational Policy Committee (TEPC) tasked to create, evaluate, and revise policies related to the Undergraduate Medical Education Program. The Policy Review Subcommittee meets to review new policies and existing policies brought forth to TEPC.


•    Director of Assessment and Evaluation (Chair)
•    Associate Dean of Curricular Affairs
•    Associate Dean of Student Affairs
•    Director of Student Affairs
•    Director of Accreditation
•    Assistant Director of Accreditation (Co-Chair)
•    Assistant Director of Pre-Clerkship Education
•    Assistant Dean of Clinical Competency
•    Program Manager for Clinical Education
•    Program Manager for Pre-Clinical Education
•    Director of Student Records
•    Director of Financial Aid
•    Director, Education Technologies & Innovation
•    TEPC Student representative(s)

Quorum: A quorum of the PRS is 50% voting members. E-Votes are allowed if full quorum is not met during monthly meeting.


•    PRS will consist of a Chair and Co-Chair to lead the committee in meetings and present to TEPC as needed.
•    Regularly review current policies to update to current levels on language, curriculum changes (e.g., new curriculum implementation), LCME standards.
•    Review, edit, and discuss new policies related to the Undergraduate Medical Education Program.
•    Provide edits, feedback, and discussion on existing policies related to the Undergraduate Medical Education Program.
•    Discuss any conflicts or issues that may result from any changes or edits to policies related to the Undergraduate Medical Education Program.
•    Present proposed new policies, policy revisions, and edits to TEPC for approval.
•    Pending periodic review by TEPC of COM-T’s policies, the PRS may be charged with facilitating these reviews.

Approval Flow Process for TEPC Policy Revisions

  1. New Request for Policy Creation or Revision
    1. Individual submits a request for policy creation or revision to the Policy Review Subcommittee (PRS) Chair/Co-Chair
  2. General Counsel Review
    1. PRS Chair/Co-Chair sends any proposed policy changes for review by the Office of the General Counsel when warranted.
  3. PRS Review
    1. Individual requesting review presents at a PRS Meeting the proposal for policy creation or revision.
    2. PRS reviews the proposal, makes edits, and prepares a recommendation for TEPC’s review for approval.
  4. TEPC Review and Decision
    1. TEPC reviews the PRS’s proposed changes and approves, denies, or recommends further revision of the adoption of the new policy or revision of existing policy.
  5. PRS Second Review (if applicable)
    1. If TEPC recommends further revision, then Steps 3 and 4 are repeated.
    2. If a second review applies, the TEPC’s subsequent Review and Decision will be final.
  6. Policy Review Outcome
    1. Approved new or revised policy will be dated with the date of TEPC meeting when it was approved and will be uploaded to the UA COM-T website.
    2. Denied proposals will be communicated to the initiator(s) of the request.

Updated and Approved by PRS: June 27, 2023
Updated and approved by TEPC: July 19, 2023