Medical Educator Development Philosophy

At the heart of a successful medical school are its faculty members, who guide students through their education, conduct groundbreaking research by being leaders and innovators in their fields, and help students fulfill their potential as educators, researchers, and clinicians. Faculty members play an essential role in shaping the future of healthcare, and it is crucial that they are provided with the resources and support necessary to thrive in their roles.

The philosophy of Medical Educator Development (MED) is centered around three key principles: life-long learning, collaboration, and mentorship.

Life-long Learning

Our faculty members play a critical role in shaping the future of healthcare. Investing in our faculty’s professional development and fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth is essential for advancing our mission to provide the highest quality education, research and patient care.


By creating a supportive and collaborative learning environment, faculty members can engage in meaningful dialogue and exchange ideas with colleagues across departments and disciplines.


We recognize the importance of experienced faculty members serving as mentors and role models for the next generation of healthcare professionals. We promote a culture of mentorship and guidance by fostering strong relationships between faculty members and students through mentorship programs and opportunities, encouraging open communication, knowledge transfer and personal growth.