Purchasing Card Fraudulent Transactions Policy (COM)
This policy defines the procedures to be followed in the event of fraudulent activity on PCard accounts.
This policy defines the procedures to be followed in the event of fraudulent activity on PCard accounts.
PCard enhancements can add permissions to make purchases for purposes, products and services that are normally disallowed. This policy defines available enhancements.
The procedure for training PCard holders.
This policy defines the roles and responsibilities of PCard holders.
This policy defines the procedures for purchasing, installing, altering and removing physical phones and phone/wireless services.
Policies governing payroll, including segregation of duties and paychecks.
Travel policies from the Financial Services Travel Office.
Policy stating the procedure for requisitioning funds for purchases of supplies, equipment or services.
This National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research.
Current department numbers, at the website of the University of Arizona Financial Services Office.