Purchasing Policies Manual (UA)
The main source of policies and procedures from Procurement and Contracting Services (PACS) in the University of Arizona Financial Services Office.
The main source of policies and procedures from Procurement and Contracting Services (PACS) in the University of Arizona Financial Services Office.
The main source of policies and procedures from the University of Arizona Financial Services Office.
Policy on smoking and the use of tobacco products on University of Arizona campuses. Applies to students, staff, faculty and visitors. Effective 8/25/2014.
University of Arizona Human Subjects Protection Program Investigator Manual.
This previous version of the policies and procedures governing student progress and appeals of academic and disciplinary decisions went into effect in November, 2010, and was superceded by the current policy on June 30, 2013.
The current policy is available here.
Financial Services Office policy providing guidelines and restrictions for cases in which relocation costs are necessary for an individual to accept employment with the University.
Website of the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research at the University of Arizona.
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) offers training on research ethics, practices, and compliance to member organizations. CITI training is required for many research-related positions.
The Human Subjects Protection Program oversees policies and processes related to the conduct of human research at the University of Arizona.
Video produced in 2016 by the COM - Tucson Office of Faculty Affairs and the UAHS Office of Diversity & Inclusion to aid in faculty recruitment.