
Recruitment, Eligibility, Selection, and Appointment

To comply with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Institutional and CommonProgram Requirements for Graduate Medical Education (GME), the University of Arizona College of Medicine –Tucson (UACOM-T) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) establishes this policy to provide guidance andoversight for the recruitment, eligibility, selection, and appointment of residents and fellows in UACOM-T ACGME-accredited and GMEC-approved Non Standard Training (NST) programs.

In this policy, the term “trainee” refers to all residents and fellows enrolled in ACGME-accredited and NST programs.

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Clerkship Student Data Entry Policy

This policy outlines expectations for students logging duty hours, required clinical conditions/patient encounters (experience logbooks), alternative experiences, and History and Physical Exams (H&Ps) for each clerkship in MedLearn.

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COYOTE Form Review Policy


This policy outlines the requirement for compliance monitoring and obtaining approval from the Tucson Educational Policy Committee (TEPC) regarding curriculum changes within the undergraduate medical education program.

This approval process ensures that proposed curriculum modifications— documented in a Course Oversight & Yearly Operational Tracking Evaluation (COYOTE) Form—align with education goals and facilitates monitoring compliance with accreditation standards and medical education program policy and guidelines.

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Parental Leave and Leave of Absence Policy

This policy outlines options for medical students in the Preclerkship Phase who require parental leave. This policy takes effect beginning in Academic Year 2024–25 with the classes of 2027 and 2028.

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Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harrassment Policy (UA)

The University of Arizona is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination. This policy defines discrimination and harrassment, and explains the obligations of the UA and all employees, students, and other community members to maintain such an environment.

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Communication Service Plan Policy (UA)

These procedures have been developed to provide guidelines to departments for the purchase and charges for supplemental communication plans with service providers external to the University. These plans include mobile phones, pagers, data lines, and internet service providers.

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