Faculty and Staff Policies

Acceptable Use of DocuWare System (COM)

Policy governing acceptable use of the DocuWare document management system at the UA College of Medicine - Tucson.

Annual Institutional Review and Annual Program Evaluation Policy
Annual Reauthorization of Educational Competencies and Program Objectives (COM)

The Educational Competencies and Educational Program Objectives for the ArizonaMed program serve as the broad template upon which all other curricular goals and processes are defined. To ensure these objectives reflect the most current educational needs with respect to medical practice, they should be reviewed regularly and systematically. This policy establishes that process.

Bioinstrumentation and Core Research Support Services Guidelines (COM)

This policy defines available core services for research, and establishes the requirements for researchers to access these services.

Catering Policy (UA)

This policy specifies a list of University-approved caterers.

Certificate Policy
Classified Staff Human Resources Policy Manual (UA)

The main policy website for classified staff from the University of Arizona Division of Human Resources.

Clerkship Directors and Site Directors Meetings and Site Visits Policy

Policy designating the responsibilities of clerkship directors, coordinators, and site directors/preceptors to regularly meet.

Clinical and Educational Work Hours Policy
College of Medicine – Tucson Social Media Policy

All social media accounts communicating on behalf of the College of Medicine – Tucson must be approved by the COM-T Brand Communications Team and must adhere to the social media policy and guidelines.

Common Records Retention and Disposition Schedule (UA)

The schedule for retaining and disposing of various official record types. Policy set by UA Records Management & Archives.

Communication Service Plan Policy (UA)

These procedures have been developed to provide guidelines to departments for the purchase and charges for supplemental communication plans with service providers external to the University. These plans include mobile phones, pagers, data lines, and internet service providers.

Conflict of Commitment (UA)

The University of Arizona encourages its faculty and staff to apply their professional expertise in public, community and outside professional pursuits. This policy is designed to ensure that these external activities do not conflict with employees' primary commitment to the University.

Conflict of Commitment Policy (COM)

This Conflict of Commitment policy is promulgated to direct College of Medicine - Tucson faculty and their supervisors how much professional absence is permitted, when and whether accrued vacation leave must be used for such absences, and when special permission from a faculty member's Department Head or Dean is required. This policy applies to all COM faculty members, whether full- or part-time.

Contracts Policy (UA)

This policy requires the approval of the University Contracting Office on all contracts with outside vendors/service providers.

COYOTE Form Review Policy


This policy outlines the requirement for compliance monitoring and obtaining approval from the Tucson Educational Policy Committee (TEPC) regarding curriculum changes within the undergraduate medical education program.

This approval process ensures that proposed curriculum modifications— documented in a Course Oversight & Yearly Operational Tracking Evaluation (COYOTE) Form—align with education goals and facilitates monitoring compliance with accreditation standards and medical education program policy and guidelines.

CV Guidelines (COM)

Guidelines for formatting your CV per the University of Arizona, with annotations specific to the College of Medicine. Updated 3/3/2015.

Effects of Infectious and/or Environmental Disease or Disability on Medical Student Learning Activities Policy

This policy is intended to describe the process for students who experience the effects of infectious and/or environmental disease or disability on medical student learning activities.

Faculty Appointments (UHAP)

The rules governing faculty appointments and its relation to tenure eligibility, per the University Handbook for Appointed Personnel (UHAP).

Financial Services Manual (UA)

The main source of policies and procedures from the University of Arizona Financial Services Office.

Grievance Policy
Grievances and Hearings Policies (University Handbook for Appointed Personnel)

Policies regarding grievance procedures and whistleblowing protections for appointed personnel. From the University Handbook for Appointed Personnel.

Guidance Document Statement Regarding Compliance with FDA 21 CFR 11 (UA)

Outlines the position of the University of Arizona on Epic Electronic Health Record (EHR) compliance with FDA 21 CFR 11 requirements.

Guidelines for ClinicalTrials.gov Registration of Clinical Trials (COM)

This guidance offers support to researchers who must register and report clinical research trials to ClinicalTrials.gov, a database of clinical research trials conducted in the United States and around the world. More information here: https://research.uahs.arizona.edu/regulatory/clinicaltrialsgov

Guidelines for Continuing Status and Promotion (COM)

Official guidelines for Continuing Status and Promotion at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.

H1B Policy

Institutional Policy on Sponsoring H-1B Visas for Trainees in Residency and Fellowship Programs

High-Stakes Exam Review Policy

This policy provides guidelines for a block/course director in consultation with the Exam Review Subcommittee of the Tucson Educational Policy Committee to conduct an item analysis of multiple-choice items (MCIs) on high-stakes exams. These guidelines ensure a consistent practice for managing MCI outcomes across blocks and courses.

House Staff Counselor Policy

Ensures that a housestaff counselor is available to residents and their families.

Human Subjects Protection Program Investigator Manual (UA)

University of Arizona Human Subjects Protection Program Investigator Manual.

Inactive Computer Lockout Policy (COM)

Explanation of the policy locking access to College of Medicine workstations following 20 minutes of inactivity.

Indirect Cost (F&A) Revenue Distribution Guidelines (COM)

Guidelines designed to assist Principal Investigators in identifying the appropriate indirect cost (F&A) rate for their research.

Indirect Cost (F&A) Waiver Policy Memo (COM)

A policy memo stating the circumstances in which indirect cost (F&A) waivers may be granted, and the process for requesting such a waiver.

Indirect Cost Rate for Clinical Studies Policy Memo (COM)

A policy memo specifying the indirect cost (IDC) rate for clinical studies performed on campus.

Influenza Vaccination Policy (UAHN)

This policy requires all UAHN health care personnel to receive a flu shot by January 31, 2014, or take other specific measures when in patient areas. Applies to physicians, residents, fellows, temporary workers, trainees, volunteers, students, vendors, medical staff and privileged practitioners, regardless of employer, who work in any UAHN facility.

Institutional Conflicts of Interest Related to Research (UA)

This policy establishes principles and procedures designed to prevent the University's financial interests, or the personal financial interests of key University officials, from influencing research at the University of Arizona.

International Travel Policy (UA)

The Interim International Travel Policy of the University of Arizona applies to students, faculty and staff.

Also see the International Travel Registration and Resources Portal, which provides a variety of tools and resources for those planning to travel outside the U.S. for University of Arizona study, research, and business purposes.

Leave of Absence Documentation Form
Low ITE Referral Policy

In-training examination (ITE) scores are often used as a metric to determine the readiness of trainees to successfully pass board certification examinations. To help ensure trainees successfully pass board certification exams, this policy establishes a process for program directors to identify and remediate trainees with subthreshold ITE scores to ensure success on board certification examinations.

MD Program Curriculum Governance (Tucson Educational Policy Committee)

Lists the responsibilities and membership of the Tucson Educational Policy Committee and its subcommittees.

MD Program Curriculum Governance

Medical Education Data Request Policy

This policy is intended to protect medical student confidentiality and provides restrictions on requests for and use of College of Medicine – Tucson (COM-T) undergraduate Medical Education Data for research and program improvement purposes. Data requests must be submitted to and approved by the Accreditation & Analytics Office. Medical Education Data must be used in a manner that protects student confidentiality.

Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harrassment Policy (UA)

The University of Arizona is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination. This policy defines discrimination and harrassment, and explains the obligations of the UA and all employees, students, and other community members to maintain such an environment.

Non-Standard Training Program Policy
Non-Standard Training Programs (NST) Request Form
Orientation of Faculty and Residents to Clerkships (COM)

Attending physicians and residents participating in an educational clerkship must understand the learning objectives for that clerkship, as well as the broader program objectives of the College of Medicine - Tucson curriculum. This policy states that requirement, and defines processes to ensure that it is met.

Payroll Policies (UA)

Policies governing payroll, including segregation of duties and paychecks.

Performance Assessment and Evaluation Policies

These policies describe the process for student performance assessment, and for the evaluation and review of curricular content.

Personal Conflict of Interest Policy

The University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson (UACOM-T) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) sets forth this policy to address potential conflicts of interest arising from interpersonal relationships between trainees and supervisors in the clinical learning environment. This policy directs trainees and/or supervising faculty to disclose relationships that have created, or may create, a conflict of interest, and instructs the training program to manage and reconcile any such conflicts.

Plan for Student Performance Assessment in Years 1 and 2 (COM)

Outlines the overall system for assessing first- and second-year student performance at the College of Medicine - Tucson, and references specific policies governing assessment that exist within this plan.

Policy for Expeditious Review of Administrators (COM)

Policy for expeditious review of titles for administrators.

Policy for Faculty Instructional Development and Residents as Educators (COM)

The College of Medicine takes an active approach to developing and improving teaching and assessment skills of its faculty and residents. All faculty and residents who teach medical students will be offered and encouraged to participate in faculty instructional development, as outlined in this policy.

Policy on Access to Student Evaluations

To ensure the integrity and fairness of the grading process, this policy restricts access to course-related evaluations until after all final grades have been officially submitted and recorded.

This policy applies to all directors and coordinators responsible for the administration of any course, block, clerkship, or elective within the medical education program leading to the MD degree.

Policy on Emeritus Status (UHAP)

The University Handbook for Appointed Personnel (UHAP) policy governing the awarding of emeritus status to faculty.

Policy on Faculty Titles for Fellows and Chief Residents (COM)

Policy on faculty titles for fellows/chief residents.

Policy on Fragmenting Purchases (UA)

This policy explains "pyramiding" or fragmenting PCard purchases, and explicitly disallows the practice.

Policy on Professional Conduct (UHAP)

The "Statement on Professional Conduct" adopted by the Faculty Senate on January 4, 1971. Although the statement refers most often to faculty members, its principles also apply to administrative and professional personnel.

Policy on Sabbatical Leave (UHAP)

Policy governing sabbatical leave for tenured or continuing faculty. From the University Handbook for Appointed Personnel.

Policy on Student Use of AI

This policy outlines principles and guidelines for the appropriate use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, including but not limited to generative AI systems, machine learning platforms, and image recognition software, by medical students. It emphasizes ethical considerations, responsible usage, proper citation of AI tools, and HIPAA compliance in clinical documentation. Any use of AI for clinical documentation must adhere to the policies and guidelines of the clinical site and comply with HIPAA regulations to ensure the confidentiality and security of patient information. AI tools may not be used for writing History and Physicals (H&Ps) in the Doctor & Patient Course.

Policy on the Purchase of Office Furniture (UA)

This policy states how office furniture is categorized, and should be purchased.

Preclerkship Faculty Evaluation Policy

All faculty who teach in the Preclerkship Phase will be evaluated by medical students, and evaluations will be conducted through MedLearn. The Office of Accreditation, Quality & Analytics will send faculty evaluations to block/course directors, who are responsible for reviewing and distributing evaluations to the respective faculty.

Process for Vetting Community Faculty Preceptors (COM)

This policy outlines the vetting process and requirements for community faculty preceptors who work with medical students in the Tucson area and at rural sites. Approved by the Tucson Educational Policy Committee on 4/1/2015; revision approved on 11/28/2016.

Professional Conduct Policy (COM)

Professionalism policy and procedures for learners and faculty.

Promotion, Appointment Renewal, and Dismissal Policy

To comply with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Institutional and Common Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education (GME), the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson (UACOM-T) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) establishes this policy to provide guidance and oversight for the promotion, appointment renewal, and dismissal of a resident’s/fellow’s appointment in our UACOM-T sponsored and GMEC-approved Non Standard Training (NST) programs.

Protected Health Information and HIPAA Policy (UA)

The University of Arizona policy on Protected Health Information and the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Additional information is also available from the Office for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

Public Access Policy (NIH)

This National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research.

Purchase Order Policy (UA)

This policy states the requirements for purchase orders.

Purchase Requisition Policy (UA)

Policy stating the procedure for requisitioning funds for purchases of supplies, equipment or services.

Purchasing Card Cardholder Roles and Responsibilities Policy (UA)

This policy defines the roles and responsibilities of PCard holders.

Purchasing Card Enhancements Policy (UA)

PCard enhancements can add permissions to make purchases for purposes, products and services that are normally disallowed. This policy defines available enhancements.

Purchasing Card Fraudulent Transactions Policy (COM)

This policy defines the procedures to be followed in the event of fraudulent activity on PCard accounts.

Purchasing Card Policies Manual (UA)

The main source of PCard policies and procedures from Procurement and Contracting Services (PACS) at the University of Arizona Financial Services Office.

Purchasing Card Training Requirements (UA)

The procedure for training PCard holders.

Purchasing Policies Manual (UA)

The main source of policies and procedures from Procurement and Contracting Services (PACS) in the University of Arizona Financial Services Office.

Records Retention Policy

Coming Soon. This policy is still in draft form.

Recruitment, Eligibility, Selection, and Appointment Policy

To comply with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Institutional and CommonProgram Requirements for Graduate Medical Education (GME), the University of Arizona College of Medicine –Tucson (UACOM-T) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) establishes this policy to provide guidance andoversight for the recruitment, eligibility, selection, and appointment of residents and fellows in UACOM-T ACGME-accredited and GMEC-approved Non Standard Training (NST) programs.

In this policy, the term “trainee” refers to all residents and fellows enrolled in ACGME-accredited and NST programs.

Relocation Policy for New Employees (UA)

Financial Services Office policy providing guidelines and restrictions for cases in which relocation costs are necessary for an individual to accept employment with the University.

Resident Excellence and Leadership Scholarships Policy (COM)

The rationale, goals and selection process for Resident Excellence and Leadership Scholarships.

Security Management Plan for UAMC - South Campus 2013-2014 (UAHN)

This security management plan is relevant to students doing rotations at the University of Arizona Medical Center - South Campus, as well as to UA and College of Medicine employees working at this and related off-site locations.
This plan describes policies and procedures related to ensuring the security of individuals, equipment and materials.

Separation of Academic Assessment and Provision of Health Services to Students

Establishes policy requiring that health professionals who provide psychiatric/psychological counseling or other sensitive health services to a medical student must have no involvement in the academic assessment or promotion of the medical student receiving those services, excluding exceptional circumstances.

Smoking and Tobacco Policy (UA)

Policy on smoking and the use of tobacco products on University of Arizona campuses. Applies to students, staff, faculty and visitors. Effective 8/25/2014.

Social Media Guidelines for Individuals (COM)

Guidelines for the responsible use of social media by individuals affiliated with the College of Medicine.

Society Mentors Conflict of Interest and Student Performance Assessment

This policy clarifies the position of the College of Medicine - Tucson when there may be a perceived or real conflict of interest between a mentee and his/her mentor's other educational roles.

Student Assignment to Instructional Sites (COM)

Policy governing the procedure for student assignment to instructional clinical sites.

Student Disability Insurance Guardian Policy (COM)

The College of Medicine has secured a group disability insurance plan through Guardian for all medical students. This plan is both comprehensive and affordable and does not require any pre-issuance testing or medical examinations. The details of the plan, including benefits, are covered in these documents. In order to obtain this plan, all students must be enrolled and in good standing. The college assesses a $12.00 fee per semester to your tuition bill (see Bursar's account), which covers your cost of the policy.

Student Employee Access to Curricular Affairs Data Policy

This policy is intended for all student workers (undergraduate or graduate) within the College of Medicine - Tucson that have future intentions to apply to the College of Medicine - Tucson MD program.

Student Employment Manual (UA)

The main source of policies relating to student employees at the University of Arizona.

Student Preferred Name and Pronouns Policy

The College of Medicine – Tucson (COM-T) is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment that respects and supports all identities, including gender expressions. This policy states students ability to select a preferred first name and designate pronouns that reflect their identities. Preferred names will be used in various university systems and documents, while legal names will remain for official records as required by law. Students can easily update their preferred names and pronouns through the UAccess Student Center. Faculty and staff are encouraged to use these preferences to foster respect and inclusivity within the learning environment.

Substantial Disruptions in Patient Care or Education & Closure or Reduction in Size of a Program Policy
Supervision of Medical Students in Clinical Learning Situations (COM)

Governs the requirement to supervise medical students in clinical situations, including definitions of the supervising physician, levels of supervision, and the procedures for such supervision.

Supervision of Sensitive Physical Exam Policy

To provide students with guidelines for examining patients in a sensitive physical exam.

Supervision Policy

In order to comply with ACGME Institutional and Common Program Requirements, the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson (UACOM-T) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) sets forth this policy to outline the procedure for ensuring oversight of supervision of trainees enrolled in UACOM-T sponsored programs.

Teacher-Learner Compact (COM)

Mutual responsibilities among learners, educators and administrators at the College of Medicine - Tucson.

Technical Standards Evaluation Policy

Technical Standards Evaluation Policy

Telephones and Wireless Services Policy (UA)

This policy defines the procedures for purchasing, installing, altering and removing physical phones and phone/wireless services.

Track Transfer from Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Positions (COM)

Policy governing requests for transfer from non-tenure-eligible tracks to tenure-eligible tracks.

Travel Policies (UA)

Travel policies from the Financial Services Travel Office.

Tucson Educational Policy Committee Processes and Procedures (COM)

1/26/2022 - It is charged with assuring the highest standards of quality for the educational program leading to the M.D. degree; advancing educational goals; monitoring that accreditation standards are met; and working to assure an excellent, coordinated, integrated, and consistent course of instruction for the preparation of future physicians.

University Handbook for Appointed Personnel (UA)

The University Handbook for Appointed Personnel (UHAP) is the primary source of policies related to appointed personnel at the University of Arizona.

Workplace by Facebook User Agreement

This agreement specifies faculty, staff and student roles in protecting sensitive data while using UA COM-T Workplace by Facebook.