Graduate Medical Education Committee

The Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) provides oversight and governance to all graduate medical education training programs under the direction of The University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson ensuring compliance with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).

The mission of the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson GMEC is to provide oversight of the educational quality of our training programs and of the clinical learning environment. GMEC will conduct their work in an honest, ethical, and collaborative decision-making environment to ensure compliance with all ACGME institutional and program requirements. GMEC will develop and implement appropriate policies and advocate for adequate resources to ensure the development of competent, compassionate physicians who will independently deliver high-quality, equitable care to our diverse patient population.

The ACGME Institutional Requirements state:

I.B.1. Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) Membership 

I.B.1.a) A Sponsoring Institution with multiple ACGME-accredited programs must have a GMEC that includes at least the following voting members: 

I.B.1.a).(1) the DIO;

I.B.1.a).(2) a representative sample of program directors (minimum of two) from its ACGME-accredited programs; 

I.B.1.a).(3) a minimum of two peer-selected residents/fellows from among its ACGME-accredited programs; and,

I.B.1.a).(4) a quality improvement or patient safety officer or designee.

Graduate Medical Education Committee Membership

Laura E. Meinke, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine, Clinical Scholar
Associate Vice Chair, Office of Education, Department of Medicine
Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Tucson Campus, Department of Medicine