COM-T Roadmap

To attract and retain superb faculty, the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson has created a series of programs, workshops and events designed to assist faculty in achieving their goals in academic medicine. We offer workshops on a range of topics, some of which are tailored to a particular stage in your career and some of which appeal to all faculty. The Career Development Roadmap below identifies activities to complete at each stage in your career.  Programs are open to all COM-T faculty, regardless of where you are employed or where you work. Ultimately, we recognize that your success is one measure of success for the entire College of Medicine – Tucson!

Career Development Roadmap

NEW FACULTY, First year

  • Use online orientation resources and checklist
  • Identify a mentor or mentoring committee
  • Develop a career plan that articulates your personal goals and a timeline for achieving those goals
  • Attend at least one Faculty Affairs career development workshop and listen to FLEXcast
  • Meet with the assistant dean of career development

NEW FACULTY, 2-3 years

  • Attend COM-T Promotion Workshop
  • Assure that your CV is in the UArizona format
  • Review expectations for promotion for your rank and track
  • Revisit your career plan and adjust timeline as needed
  • Continue to meet with your mentor(s) to assure you are on track for achieving your goals
  • Use your annual review to finetune your goals and activities
  • Attend at least one career development workshop or networking event annually
  • Listen to FLEXcast


  • Prepare your dossier and get feedback from your mentor(s) and/or your department Promotion and Tenure committee
  • Attend at least one career development workshop and/or faculty networking event annually
  • If anticipating promotion in the next 2-3 years, attend the workshop on Promotion and Tenure dossier preparation
  • Consider applying to Learning to Lead
  • Listen to FLEXcast


  • Attend at least one career development workshop and/or faculty social event annually
  • Be available to mentor junior faculty
  • If anticipating promotion in the next 2-3 years, attend the workshop on Promotion and Tenure dossier preparation
  • Consider applying to Learning to Lead
  • Listen to FLEXcast