


It is only through research that we will discover ways to prevent illness and diseases, implement better means of diagnosis, find improved treatments and develop cures for the medical problems that harm our children. Charitable gifts ensure our progress. With your continued support, you play a vital role in conquering childhood illnesses and diseases.

Individuals are welcome to make donations to the Steele Children’s Research Center. Visit the University of Arizona Foundation website for more information on the many additional options for giving, including through charitable gift-annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, life insurance policies, bequests through a will and other planned gifts.

Our Supporters Fuel Our Research

We are grateful for the wonderful volunteer groups that work diligently to support the Steele Children’s Research Center by raising funds and awareness for us! These are a few of the groups that actively support the Steele Children’s Research Center:

Lori Stratton, MPH
Director of Development