
The faculty recruitment process is designed to assist College of Medicine departments in recruiting and hiring the best candidate for basic science and clinical positions whether on the tenure track and or on a non-tenure eligible track.  The steps in the recruitment process include approval to recruit for the position, developing the requisition, conducting the search, and successfully hiring for the position.

Approval to Recruit

Each department is responsible for obtaining the appropriate approvals through the college's Faculty Finance Committee (link sends e-mail) to recruit and fill a position.  All tenure track positions need to be approved by the Dean of the College of Medicine.  In addition, clinical faculty positions also need to be approved by the Academic Management Council (AMC).

Developing the Requisition

Once approval has been obtained, the department identifies a diverse search committee, finalizes the job description and posts the requisition in Talent.  Faculty positions must be posted for a minimum of 7 days and can remain open for a maximum of one year.  If the approved position will be employed by Banner, the department works with the Banner recruiter to post the opening on the Banner systems.

Conducting the Search

Search committee members should review materials on best practices for recruitment on the UArizona Faculty Affairs website.

In order to improve the quality and diversity of candidate pools, the chair and all members of each hiring committee must register for and complete the EDGE training provided by the UArizona Office of Faculty Affairs. The training will provide research-based strategies and best practices for identifying candidates who will help us advance our strategic priorities.  

The department’s advertising strategy is expected to invite applications from a large candidate pool in an effort to increase the wealth and breadth of academic activities in our college.

Once candidates apply via Talent, the search committee reviews CVs and identifies a list of candidates to interview. This list is forwarded to the department head and the applications are marked for interview in Talent. The selected candidates are interviewed using appropriate standardized questions.  The search committee conducts reference checks.  After the interviews and reference checks are completed, a final candidate is identified.

Negotiations and Hiring

When a final candidate has been identified, the department head or her/his designee will begin negotiations with the candidate.  Negotiations typically include the proposed start date, the proposed compensation, support packages and other terms important to start employment with a successful hiring experience.   When agreement on the terms has been reached, the department works with the College of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs and the Faculty Finance Committee (link sends e-mail) to develop the official letter of offer. If hiring a clinical position, the department will also initiate the credentialing and privileging process with Banner Health to ensure completion by the employment start date.  For all faculty hires, the department begins the title approval process through the Office of Faculty Affairs, including obtaining three letters of recommendation in support of the proposed rank, as appropriate.  For tenure track positions, the proposed commitments and letter of offer have to be submitted for approval by the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and the Provost.  In addition, the identified tenure track candidate must meet with the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost before a final offer is made.

When the position is filled the department will close the posting in Talent and disposition the applications.