General Faculty Forum Summaries

2023-2024 General Faculty Meeting Themes

The Office of Faculty Affairs and the Dean’s Council on Faculty Affairs (DCFA) is so grateful for the faculty’s engagement and discussions at the 2023-2024 General Faculty Meetings and follow-up online surveys. We have reviewed all of the comments and shared them with COM-T leadership. Here we provide a summary of the main themes extracted from the responses and a plan for our intentions to address these issues.

We heard you say that the best parts of your work here at the College of Medicine – Tucson are the PEOPLE. You value your relationships and collaborations with colleagues. You are fulfilled by your work as an educator, mentor, and advisor to our students and trainees. Your provision of care and connections to your patients provide meaning and satisfaction. You are driven by opportunities to make innovative and impactful scientific discoveries.

We also have many issues and concerns that need to be addressed to help us be at our best each day. We hope this site will help communicate in an open and transparent manner the work we are doing in response to your input. Please continue to provide us with your ideas and engage with us as we strive to enhance the professional fulfillment and vitality of our amazing faculty here at COM-T.

The items have been organized in the following manner:

RED  Unfortunately, we will not be able to act on these issues. Explanations provided.

YELLOW   We do not have an immediate solution but will bring these issues forward to leadership and work toward solutions. Updates with any progress made will be provided.

GREEN  Items that can be addressed immediately.

UAVitae/Faculty Portfolio

This platform is set by the Provost’s Office. COM-T’s Office of Faculty Affairs works closely with departmental staff to provide guidance and support to the faculty. Faculty Affairs also holds virtual office hours to answer questions and assist faculty closer to the submission deadline.

EMR and Clinical Scheduling/Resources

These concerns are valid and will be shared with the Banner Tucson and South campus leadership. COM-T will continue to forward and amplify these issues with Banner decision makers.

Research Support

  • Research Office is working on the following initiatives:
    • Weekly Research Resource highlight in Sunday Newsletter
    • Utilize future Friday Frontiers time to highlight resources, answer questions – specific concerns include IRB (UA and Banner), access to clinical data, pre- and post-award support
    • Create a Research FAQ page on the Research website
  • The Dean’s Council on Faculty Affairs and Dean’s Research Council will discuss opportunities to provide
  • additional support and resources
  • There are several resources available to faculty – we need to make these more visible:
  • UAHS Pre-Award Submission Guidelines - FY2024

Hiring Process

  • With the ongoing changes to HR at our institution, we will examine the current processes of posting open positions and the hiring process. We understand that the inefficiencies have led to significant stressors and real losses in time, resources, and personnel.

Increased visibility and recognition of academic work

  • The Office of Faculty Affairs will review the currently offered faculty awards and work to increase the breadth of recognition


  • UA and Banner IT issues lead to problems with some emails – will work with IT identify and work to resolve issues
  • Consider other communication platforms like Slack to enhance connections and communication among faculty

Building Community and Connection

  • Geographic distribution of faculty is a barrier
    • Will look into holding events and programs at other clinical sites
  • Faculty social events are low pressure, informal opportunities to gather. Barriers include time of day, personal and family commitments
    • Will continue to explore opportunities to hold events to cover a diverse range in time of day and location
    • Family-friendly events will also be explored
    • The Dean’s Council on Faculty Affairs and the Committee of 10 will work together to brainstorm innovative events and gatherings
  • To enhance of the visibility of faculty achievements across all of our missions, we will work to showcase clinical excellence in COM-T spaces and highlight academic and research excellence in the Banner spaces
  • Faculty have enjoyed reading the spotlights of faculty in the Sunday newsletter. We will work with the Communications leadership to consider methods to nominate faculty for future spotlights.

Gym space

General Faculty Meeting suggestions

  • Vice Dean Updates will be included at meetings
  • Banner Leadership will be invited to present updates
  • More time for interaction
    • Two General Faculty Forums per year have been added to annual schedule. These forums will consist of faculty table discussions and time for networking.

Professional Development Opportunities

  • The Office of Faculty Affairs will continue to offer our signature development programs and events including: 
    • COMPAS – COM-T Peer Advancement Series for Early Career Faculty
    • COMMAND – COM-T Mid-Career Academic iNtentional Development series
    • COM-T and Eller Advanced Healthcare Leadership Academy (previously Learning to Lead)
    • COM-T Medical Education Retreat
    • New Faculty Retreats
    • Track-specific P&T Workshops and CV working meetings
  • The Office of Faculty Affairs will explore opportunities to enhance development in areas of education and research. We will collaborate with the Academy of Medical Education Scholars (AMES), the Dean’s Research Council, and others to build resources and programs around these needs.
  • The Spurring Success for Women in Medicine and Science (SSWIMS) Leadership Development program is offered annually
    Research, Innovation, & Impact workshop
    The COM-T Research office hosts investigator workshops annually, like the Translational Medicine Symposium held on March 22, 2024.
  • COM-T Research Day is an annual event to showcase the impressive scholarship of our faculty and learners.

    Activate email forwarding between Banner and University accounts:

Our Banner-affiliated faculty and staff are assigned one distinct email account associated with Banner and another provided by the university. To streamline the management of these accounts and ensure the receipt of all pertinent college communications, COM ITS offers support in establishing email forwarding between the two accounts. If you have not already activated this service, you can indicate your preferred email arrangement by filling out this survey.

Do you have suggestions or ideas? Any concerns or comments? Please email the COM-T Faculty Affairs team ( (link sends e-mail) or submit anonymously here.