The College of Medicine - Tucson provides assistance and resources related to the promotion and tenure practices of the College and of the University. Information regarding other types of faculty actions can be found below.
Candidates for faculty titles in the College of Medicine must meet the criteria for the specific title series and rank for which they are applying. Candidates must provide their CV and letters of recommendation to the Department P&T Coordinator and work with the coordinator to provide additional information as required.
After the documentation has been submitted, the title approval packet will be reviewed for approval by the department promotion and tenure committee and department head and then forwarded to the Office of Faculty Affairs. Title approval packets will then be reviewed by the College of Medicine Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure, as appropriate, followed by review by the Dean or designee.
Faculty can move from one non-tenure-eligible/career-track path to another, following the process to transfer between tracks.
Timeline For Approval
Timeline for title approval once submitted to Faculty Affairs:
- 2 weeks: NTE/CT Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Instructor titles*
- 4 weeks: NTE/CT Associate Professor, Professor title, all TE/TT titles*
*Timeline requires a packet with no errors or missing information. Restart the timeline once corrected packet is submitted.
Faculty can transfer from tenure-eligible to non-tenure-eligible career-track appointments with the approval of the Provost following recommendations by the designated committees and administrators.
Please note that for the College of Medicine-Tucson, transfers to different paths, within the Career/Non-Tenure Track, simply require a letter from the candidate and Department Chair approval. Department P&T Coordinators can provide guidance on the content needed for the letter and faculty should first consult with their Department Chair. These transfers only require approval by the COM-T Dean and do not go to the Provost’s office.
- COM-T Career Track/Non-Tenure paths include: Clinical Scholar, Educator Scholar, Research Scholar, Educator Series, Clinical Series, Research Series
The College of Medicine strongly encourages collaboration among its faculty and formally recognizes ongoing efforts by granting secondary faculty appointments in departments where such arrangements exist. Joint appointments should be requested by the faculty member and require the approval of the heads of both the primary and secondary department and review by the dean or designee.
Faculty members seeking joint appointments should submit a letter describing their collaborations within the secondary department or complete the Request for Joint Faculty Appointment Form.
The letter or form plus a current CV should be submitted to the primary Department P&T Coordinator who will submit to the secondary department chairs for approval, after which the packet is submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs for final review.
Faculty who retire from the University in good standing, have served a minimum of fifteen years, and receive approval from the President are given the title of Emeritus. Documentation from the department head and dean (or designee) must be forwarded to the Office of the Provost for review.
The Provost may approve requests to extend the tenure clock for tenure-eligible faculty based upon written requests submitted to the Office of the Provost. The Provost’s decision is final and not subject to further review.
Sabbatical leave may be granted to individuals with tenure or continuing status who have served on full-time fiscal or academic year appointments at the University for not less than six years. Sabbatical leave may be granted within the discretion of the administration to enable appointed personnel to make advances in their profession, to remain effective in current positions, or to render the greatest possible service to the University of Arizona.
Instructions for Requesting a Sabbatical Leave
If you have questions regarding sabbatical leave or the policies governing it, please call the Office of Faculty Affairs at 626-4368.