Adolescence and Transition


The following Cystic Fibrosis Education Tools were developed for professionals, patients, families, and the community.

Nutrition Care in Cystic Fibrosis - This curriculum is delivered in four modules and includes course objectives, case studies, and question assessments. This is supplemented with an On-Line Textbook. A video presentation about the development of these modules is available here: Introduction to Nutrition Care in Cystic Fibrosis Education Modules  and overview of the curriculum is available here:Nutrition Care in Cystic Fibrosis

Module 1: Cystic Fibrosis Overview - PowerPoint presentation

Module 2: Nutrition Assessment and Intervention in Pediatric CF - PowerPoint presentation

Module 3: Nutrition-Related CF Complications - PowerPoint presentation

Module 4: Patient-Centered Behavior Interventions - PowerPoint presentation

Other Cystic Fibrosis Education Tools:

For more information contact Lisa Rascon at or call 520-626-1567.


Crummies in my Tummies: Common Pediatric GI Ailments

E-Cigarettes and Vaping:What We Know & What We Don?t

Life Course Theory

Parenting & Community Support for Adolescents

School House Tox

Transition to Adult Care

Transition to Adult Care Family Perspective Interview

Vaping: ENDS and BHO Today's Trendy Tobacco and Marijuana

Weight Inclusiveness


Transition Flow Chart


This is a guide for transitioning from pediatric to adult care for children and youths with special health care needs. To access the materials linked to this chart, download the Transition Flowchart in PDF form or scroll down to the links below.

AGES 12-14

Develop knowledge of patient's health care needs (know medical condition, name of medication and manage medical tasks)

Explore work and volunteer opportunities

Answer questions during your health care visit and communicating with your provider

AGES 15-17

Making Medical Appointments and getting prescriptions refilled

Talk to medical providers during visits about age appropriate information regarding physical, emotional and sexual development

Think and talk about transition from pediatric to adult heath care providers

Keep a health record, including all medical paperwork and confidentiality

Youth spending the majority of health care visit alone with the doctor


Reapply for Medicaid benefits or private health insurance

Reapply for SSI Benefits

Make decisions about power of Attorney or other Guardianship option

AGES 18-21

Transfer medical care from pediatric providers to adult providers

Contact vocational rehabilitation o explore vocational assistance

Explore living arrangements, education, and employment opportunities

Transfer medication to local pharmacy (If moving or going away to school)

If going to college, learn about health care coverage and health services provided by campus         

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For more information, contact 
UAPPC Associate Director Lisa Rascon, M.Ed at 520-626-1567