Long-term PPC trainees are required to complete at least 300 hours of combined didactic, clinical and leadership training work over one year. In most circumstances, trainees are provided stipend support and funding to attend a national conference. Less intensive medium-term traineeships between 40 and 299 hours are also available.
Traineeships begin in August of each year and end in early May.
The training includes online lectures and modules, in-person clinics and events, and leadership workshops and opportunities. Trainees are required to develop a capstone project under the supervision of their mentor.
Apply now for the 2024-2025 PPC Cohort! Priority Deadline March 31!
Training Snapshot
- HRSA Welcome from the Director/Trainee Toolkit
- Sign up for the MCH Trainee Listserv
- Visit MCH Navigator: MCH 101
- Visit PPC national website
- Register for Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Biomedical Research training
- Review the MCH Leadership Competencies at http://leadership.mchtraining.net/
- Register in My Clinical Exchange at https://myclinicalexchange.com to complete Banner On-Boarding, which includes immunizations and HIPAA completion
- MCH Leadership Competencies (1 hour): Trainees are required to complete training at https://mchb.hrsa.gov/training/leadership-00.asp and the MCH Leadership Skill Assessment pre- and post- training at https://www.mchnavigator.org/assessment/
- MCH Interdisciplinary Leadership Training (32 hours): This is conducted in collaboration with AzLEND and other HRSA-funded leadership training grants at the University of Arizona
- UAPPC Core Curriculum (30 hours): Trainees must complete 10 required lectures such as: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and the Role of Newborn Screening; Pharmacotherapy in Treatment of CF & Asthma; Clinical Research; Clinical Ethics; Life Course Theory; Medication Adherence; Pediatric Sleep Health, and Leadership. Faculty and trainees will identify 5 additional discipline-specific lectures to complete. Trainee will watch Family Perspective Interview on each topic at UAPPC website when appropriate. Trainees will submit reflections on each lecture to mentor.
- Cultural Competency On-Line Modules (3 hours): Trainings are offered with the PPC team twice during the academic training year.
- Family Collaborative with National PPCs (6 hours): Trainees will attend two interdisciplinary teleconference meetings with trainees from all national PPCs to work on a collaborative project.
Trainees will complete clinical experiences in outpatient, inpatient and community-based systems including:
- Tucson Cystic Fibrosis Clinic
- Asthma and Severe Asthma clinics
- Children’s Rehabilitative Services clinics
- Banner – University Medical Center Tucson
- other clinics arranged by mentor
Outcomes will include appropriate clinical interviewing, counseling and teaching skills. All trainees will participate in family and patient interviewing and reporting out in team huddle for discipline specific issues.
Trainees will be exposed to various research methods and projects. Trainees will develop a research framework with their mentor to develop their leadership capstone product. This will include a literature review, development of a research question, development of community questions, preparation and implementation of a needs assessment, and outlining and developing a timeframe for project.
- Leadership Capstone Product: Trainees will apply their leadership skills to research, measure and design a product that is responsive to the need revealed in their focused research. The product must be deliverable to stakeholders as an educational product, a poster presentation, a presentation at discipline-specific event, a journal article, etc. Faculty must approve trainee’s proposal. The result must be a product that can be disseminated to others through the UAPPC and/or the MCH website, and discipline specific avenues.
- Patient Case Study: Trainees will complete an interdisciplinary, family-centered case study on a patient from one of the interdisciplinary clinics. Guidelines to be considered: a historical overview; an assessment of clinical status and treatment recommendations; barriers to care; and recommendations to overcome identified barriers while incorporating the life course theory.
- School Health Care Training Event: Trainees will participate in planning and hosting the annual UAPPC School Health Care Training Event. Trainees will present their Leadership Capstone proposals either on a poster or as a presentation during the event.
- National or Regional Conference: Trainees must apply to present or participate in a national or regional conference such as the Mountain West Cystic Fibrosis Consortium, Cystic Fibrosis Family Network, UAPPC Annual Meeting or a discipline-specific conference.
- Making Lifelong Connections: Trainees must submit their Capstone Leadership proposal to present at the MLC meeting.
- Community Resources and Cultural Awareness: Trainees will participate in gaining cultural awareness of a given community by participating in events such as border health fairs, community service agencies, projects in underserved communities, site visits and/or cross-border tours.
- Advocacy: Trainees will work with their mentor and select activities from the national PPC advocacy curriculum. Goals and activities will be specific for each discipline and trainee.
- Life Course: Trainees will develop snapshots of their own life course and one of a family with a CSHCN.
- Testimonial: At the conclusion of the training, trainees will provide a one-page testimonial reflecting on their experience as a PPC trainee.
- PPC Traineeship Evaluation: Trainees will complete Reflections each week. Trainees will complete a pre- and post- MCH Skills Evaluation. Trainees will complete a program evaluation upon ending the traineeship.
- Division Lectures: Trainees can attend division lectures.
- AzLEND Lectures: Trainees can attend all LEND lectures.
- Western States Case Studies: Trainees can participate on the Western States Case Studies.
- Online Lectures: Trainees can view additional online PPC lectures from the PPC website.
- Other Lectures: Trainees can attend grand rounds and other hospital-sponsored lectures when appropriate. Trainees can seek additional lectures with the approval of mentor.
- Quality Improvement: Trainees can attend and participate in quality improvement initiatives and work on an interprofessional team to set and meet goals.
- Journal Club: Trainees can attend and participate in the Journal Club, which will be led by the PPC fellow.
For further information, contact UAPPC Associate Director Lisa Rascon, MEd, at 520-626-1567 or lrascon@peds.arizona.edu