Resources for Education

Policy on Curricular Change (COM)

A policy specifying that the MD curriculum and graduation requirements may evolve during a student’s time at the College of Medicine – Tucson.

Transfer Student Policy (COM)

This policy outlines the rules governing student transfer to the College of Medicine – Tucson from eligible institutions.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Financial Aid Policy

Electronic Medical Record Policy

This policy outlines the expectations for medical student use of Electronic Medical Record systems they interact with in the clinical setting. 

Gross Anatomy Lab Rules and Regulations (COM)

This policy reflects the expected behaviors that allow unsupervised access to the Gross Anatomy Lab.

Plan for Student Performance Assessment in Years 1 and 2 (COM)

Outlines the overall system for assessing first- and second-year student performance at the College of Medicine – Tucson, and references specific policies governing assessment that exist within this plan.

Procedures for Establishing Residency Status (UA)

Procedures for new and continuing students to establish in-state residency. Approved by the Arizona Board of Regents.

Student Code of Conduct (UA)

Overall student code of conduct policy for the University of Arizona.

Medical Student Duty Hours Policy (COM)

Duty hour policy created to parallel ACGME standards, with the understanding that medical students are supervised in all patient care activities and do not make independent patient care decisions.

Supervision of Medical Students in Clinical Learning Situations (COM)

Governs the requirement to supervise medical students in clinical situations, including definitions of the supervising physician, levels of supervision and the procedures for such supervision.

Code of Academic Integrity (UA)

“Integrity and ethical behavior are expected of every student in all academic work,” per this UArizona policy.

Student Assignment to Instructional Sites (COM)

Policy governing the procedure for student assignment to instructional clinical sites.

Student Occupational Exposure Policy (UAHS)

Establishes policy and procedures for student exposure to potentially infectious agents and/or hazardous materials. Also known as the “needle stick” policy.

Honor Code Policy and Committee Procedures and Process for Dismissal

This policy outlines the principles of academic integrity and the rules governing the student honor code committee.

Leave of Absence Policy

This policy ensures that all student requests for medical and non-medical leaves of absence are considered in a uniform and consistent manner.

Professional Conduct Policy (COM)

Student Progress Committee Procedures and Process for Dismissal

Social Media Guidelines for Individuals (UA)

Guidelines for the responsible use of social media by individuals affiliated with the University of Arizona.

Technical Standards for Medical Students (COM)

To ensure that incoming medical students are able to complete the entire curriculum established by the College of Medicine – Tucson, the college requires that each student be able to meet the technical standards defined in this document.

Grading and Progression Policy for All Phases

This policy comprehensively defines the ways that medical students’ academic performance is assessed.

Commitment to Underserved People Program Handbook (COM-T)

This handbook includes the policies of the Commitment to Underserved People (CUP) Program. Answers frequently asked questions about goals/objectives, membership, requirements and elective credit.

Supervision of Sensitive Physical Exam Policy

Supervision of Sensitive Physical Exam Policy

To provide students with guidelines for examining patients in a sensitive physical exam.

Preclerkship Faculty Evaluation Policy

Student Challenges of Exam Items Policy

This policy is intended to describe the process for student challenges to Pre-Clerkship high-stakes exam items and any resulting grade changes that might take place after a post-exam review.

Technical Standards Evaluation Policy

Technical Standards Evaluation Policy

Effects of Infectious and/or Environmental Disease or Disability on Medical Student Learning Activities Policy

This policy is intended to describe the process for students who experience the effects of infectious and/or environmental disease or disability on medical student learning activities.

Student Disability Insurance Guardian Policy (COM)

The College of Medicine – Tucson has secured a group disability insurance plan through Guardian for all medical students. This plan is comprehensive and affordable and does not require pre-issuance testing or medical examinations.

Students with Bloodborne Pathogens Policy

This policy provides the guidelines for maintaining patient safety and establishing reasonable accommodation, confidentiality and respect for a student who is a carrier of, or has, a bloodborne infection that poses a risk to patients and other health care providers.

Medical Education Research & Scholarship Data Policy

All users (faculty, students and administration) within and outside the College of Medicine – Tucson shall comply with the rules and regulations expressed in this policy.

Excused Absences for the Weekly Quiz Review Sessions in the Pre-clerkship Phase

This applies to approved excused absences for the Class of 2025 and the Class of 2026 in the Pre-clerkship Phase. Effective immediately. Expires May 31, 2023.

Academic Probation Policy

Dismissal Policy (Effective with Class of 2027)

This policy establishes conditions that, if met, will subject a medical student to academic or conduct dismissal from the Doctor of Medicine degree program. Note: This policy (#1-103a) is effective with the Class of 2027 and future classes. For the Class of 2026 and prior classes, refer to the legacy Dismissal Policy (#1-103b).

Dismissal Policy (Effective for Class of 2026 and Prior Classes)

This policy establishes conditions that, if met, will subject a medical student to academic or conduct dismissal from the Doctor of Medicine degree program. Note: This legacy policy (#1-103b) is effective for the Class of 2026 and prior classes. Refer to the new Dismissal Policy for the Class of 2027 and future classes (#1-103a).

Non-Medical Leave of Absence Request Form

Form to request a non-medical leave of absence per the related policy.

Medical Leave of Absence Request Form

Form to request a medical leave of absence per the related policy.

Military Deployment and Leave of Absence Policy


Commitment to Underserved People Program Attendance Policy (COM)

The attendance policy for students in the Commitment to Underserved People (CUP) program was updated on October 6, 2014.

Student Use of University-Sponsored Educational Material (COM)

Covers student use of educational material posted on ArizonaMed Online, which contains material not licensed for distribution outside our curriculum.

Student Disciplinary Procedures (UA)

Policy governing student disciplinary procedures at the University of Arizona.

Attributes of Professional Behavior (COM)

These Attributes of Professional Behavior describe behaviors that medical students are expected to develop during their education, both in the classroom and in the community where the educational mission operates.

Teacher-Learner Compact (COM)

Mutual responsibilities among learners, educators and administrators at the College of Medicine – Tucson.

Medical Student Council Constitution (COM)

The constitution for the Medical Student Council.

Mandatory Health Insurance Policy (COM)

A policy detailing the requirement for medical students to carry health insurance coverage.

Continuous Quality Improvement Policy - MD Program

Student Employee Access to Curricular Affairs Data Policy

This policy is intended for all student workers (undergraduate or graduate) within the College of Medicine – Tucson who intend to apply to the College of Medicine – Tucson MD program.

COVID-19 Pandemic N95 Mask Policy

This policy is intended for all medical students in their clinical rotations. All personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies are to be provided by the clinical site. If the site or learners rotating to that site require specialized PPE, they must notify Curricular Affairs (CA).


Process for Vetting Community Faculty Preceptors (COM)

This policy outlines the vetting process and requirements for community faculty preceptors who work with medical students in the Tucson area and at rural sites. Approved by the Tucson Educational Policy Committee on April 1, 2015; revision approved on November 28, 2016.

Society Mentors Conflict of Interest and Student Performance Assessment (COM)

This policy clarifies the position of the College of Medicine – Tucson when there may be a perceived or real conflict of interest between a mentee and his/her mentor’s other educational roles.

Policy for Faculty Instructional Development and Residents as Educators (COM)

The College of Medicine takes an active approach to developing and improving teaching and assessment skills of its faculty and residents. All faculty and residents who teach medical students will be offered and encouraged to participate in faculty instructional development, as outlined in this policy.

House Staff Counselor Policy

Ensures that a house staff counselor is available to residents and their families.

Orientation of Faculty and Residents to Clerkships (COM)

Attending physicians and residents participating in an educational clerkship must understand the learning objectives for that clerkship, as well as the broader program objectives of the College of Medicine – Tucson curriculum.

Grievance Policy

Program Director Appointment & Removal Policy

Substantial Disruptions in Patient Care or Education & Closure or Reduction in Size of a Program Policy

Non-Standard Training Program Policy

Guidelines for Responding to Requests for Information about Residents’ Training (COM)

This document contains guidelines for responding to requests for information about residents’ training.

Policy on Faculty Titles for Fellows and Chief Residents (COM)

Policy on faculty titles for fellows/chief residents.

Student Dress Code (COM)

Dress code for MD students.

Resident Excellence and Leadership Scholarships Policy (COM)

The rationale, goals and selection process for Resident Excellence and Leadership Scholarships.

Diversity Statement (COM)

A statement affirming the commitment of the College of Medicine – Tucson to diversity, approved by the faculty in November 2010.

Separation of Academic Assessment and Provision of Health Services to Students

Establishes policy requiring that health professionals who provide psychiatric/psychological counseling or other sensitive health services to a medical student must have no involvement in the academic assessment or promotion of the medical student receiving those services, excluding exceptional circumstances.


Development Links:

Resources for Education - Original



Policy governing acceptable use of the DocuWare document management system at the UA College of Medicine - Tucson.

The Educational Competencies and Educational Program Objectives for the ArizonaMed program serve as the broad template upon which all other curricular goals and processes are defined. To ensure these objectives reflect the most current educational needs with respect to medical practice, they should be reviewed regularly and systematically. This policy establishes that process.

This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for attendance and absences for mandatory in-person sessions and clinical activities in the Preclerkship Phase, all clerkship experiences in the Clerkship Phase, and all activities identified for a course in the Transition to Residency Phase.

These Attributes of Professional Behavior describe behaviors that medical students are expected to develop during the course of their education, both in the classroom and in the community in which the educational mission operates.

Policy designating the responsibilities of clerkship directors, coordinators, and site directors/preceptors to regularly meet.

"Integrity and ethical behavior are expected of every student in all academic work," per this UA policy.

The schedule for retaining and disposing of various official record types. Policy set by UA Records Management & Archives.

The University of Arizona encourages its faculty and staff to apply their professional expertise in public, community and outside professional pursuits. This policy is designed to ensure that these external activities do not conflict with employees' primary commitment to the University.

This Conflict of Commitment policy is promulgated to direct College of Medicine - Tucson faculty and their supervisors how much professional absence is permitted, when and whether accrued vacation leave must be used for such absences, and when special permission from a faculty member's Department Head or Dean is required. This policy applies to all COM faculty members, whether full- or part-time.

This policy is intended for all medical students in their clinical rotations. All Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies are to be provided by the clinical site. If the site or learners rotating to that site require specialized PPE, they must notify Curricular Affairs (CA).

A policy specifying that the MD curriculum and graduation requirements may evolve during a student's time at the College of Medicine - Tucson.

This policy establishes conditions that, if met, will subject a medical student to academic or conduct dismissal from the Doctor of Medicine degree program.

Note: This legacy policy (#1-103b) is effective for the Class of 2026 and prior classes. For the Class of 2027 and future classes, refer to the new Dismissal Policy (#1-103a).

This policy establishes conditions that, if met, will subject a medical student to academic or conduct dismissal from the Doctor of Medicine degree program.

Note: This policy (#1-103a) is effective with the Class of 2027 and future classes. For the Class of 2026 and prior classes, refer to the legacy Dismissal Policy (#1-103b).

This policy is intended to describe the process for students who experience the effects of infectious and/or environmental disease or disability on medical student learning activities.

This policy outlines the expectations for medical student use of Electronic Medical Record systems they interact with in the clinical setting.

Policy regarding fingerprinting and background check requirements for students at the College of Medicine.

This policy comprehensively defines the ways that medical students' academic performance is assessed.

This policy reflects the expected behaviors that allow unsupervised access to the Gross Anatomy Lab.

This document outlines guiding principles for the design and implementation of the preclerkship curriculum in the MD program. The faculty adopt these principles to ensure medical students will be well prepared for advanced study in any clinical discipline.


Institutional Policy on Sponsoring H-1B Visas for Trainees in Residency and Fellowship Programs


This policy provides guidelines for a block/course director in consultation with the Exam Review Subcommittee of the Tucson Educational Policy Committee to conduct an item analysis of multiple-choice items (MCIs) on high-stakes exams. These guidelines ensure a consistent practice for managing MCI outcomes across blocks and courses.

This policy outlines the principles of academic integrity and the rules governing the student honor code committee.

Ensures that a housestaff counselor is available to residents and their families.

Explanation of the policy locking access to College of Medicine workstations following 20 minutes of inactivity.

This policy ensures that all student requests for medical and non-medical leaves of absence are considered in a uniform and consistent manner.

In-training examination (ITE) scores are often used as a metric to determine the readiness of trainees to successfully pass board certification examinations. To help ensure trainees successfully pass board certification exams, this policy establishes a process for program directors to identify and remediate trainees with subthreshold ITE scores to ensure success on board certification examinations.

A policy detailing the requirement for medical students to carry health insurance coverage.

This policy is intended to protect medical student confidentiality and provides restrictions on requests for and use of College of Medicine – Tucson (COM-T) undergraduate Medical Education Data for research and program improvement purposes. Data requests must be submitted to and approved by the Accreditation & Analytics Office. Medical Education Data must be used in a manner that protects student confidentiality.

Form to request a medical leave of absence per the Leave of Absence Policy.

The constitution for the Medical Student Council.

Duty hour policy created to parallel ACGME standards, with the understanding that medical students are supervised in all patient care activities and do not make independent patient care decisions.

This booklet contains information applicable to students serving rotations at the VA, including policies, practices and procedures. 2012-2013 edition.

Form to request a non-medical leave of absence, per the related policy.

Attending physicians and residents participating in an educational clerkship must understand the learning objectives for that clerkship, as well as the broader program objectives of the College of Medicine - Tucson curriculum. This policy states that requirement, and defines processes to ensure that it is met.

This policy outlines options for medical students in the Preclerkship Phase who require parental leave. This policy takes effect beginning in Academic Year 2024–25 with the classes of 2027 and 2028.

Students seeking parental leave during clinical rotation years (Clerkship and Transition to Residency Phases) must coordinate with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs or an Assistant Dean for Student Affairs to pursue either a Medical or Non-Medical Leave of Absence.

These policies describe the process for student performance assessment, and for the evaluation and review of curricular content.

The University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson (UACOM-T) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) sets forth this policy to address potential conflicts of interest arising from interpersonal relationships between trainees and supervisors in the clinical learning environment. This policy directs trainees and/or supervising faculty to disclose relationships that have created, or may create, a conflict of interest, and instructs the training program to manage and reconcile any such conflicts.

Outlines the overall system for assessing first- and second-year student performance at the College of Medicine - Tucson, and references specific policies governing assessment that exist within this plan.

This previous version of the policies and procedures governing student progress and appeals of academic and disciplinary decisions went into effect in November, 2010, and was superceded by the current policy on June 30, 2013.
The current policy is available here.

Policy for expeditious review of titles for administrators.

The College of Medicine takes an active approach to developing and improving teaching and assessment skills of its faculty and residents. All faculty and residents who teach medical students will be offered and encouraged to participate in faculty instructional development, as outlined in this policy.

The University Handbook for Appointed Personnel (UHAP) policy governing the awarding of emeritus status to faculty.

Policy on faculty titles for fellows/chief residents.

The "Statement on Professional Conduct" adopted by the Faculty Senate on January 4, 1971. Although the statement refers most often to faculty members, its principles also apply to administrative and professional personnel.

Policy governing sabbatical leave for tenured or continuing faculty. From the University Handbook for Appointed Personnel.

This policy provides restrictions on medical student use of University-sponsored educational materials including posting and distributing in whole or in part without the faculty author’s explicit permission. Students may not post or distribute any of these educational materials for personal gain.

This policy applies to all medical students in the medical education program leading to the MD degree.

Faculty are granted full use of their educational materials, except for commercial purposes or similar purpose outside a traditional academic purpose, as stated in the University of Arizona Intellectual Property Policy.

This policy establishes parameters for student workload during the Preclerkship Phase.

Note: This policy is effective with the Classes of 2027 and 2028 beginning July 22, 2024.

Procedures for new and continuing students to establish in-state residency. Approved by the Arizona Board of Regents.

This policy outlines the vetting process and requirements for community faculty preceptors who work with medical students in the Tucson area and at rural sites. Approved by the Tucson Educational Policy Committee on 4/1/2015; revision approved on 11/28/2016.

Professionalism policy and procedures for learners and faculty.

To comply with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Institutional and Common Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education (GME), the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson (UACOM-T) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) establishes this policy to provide guidance and oversight for the promotion, appointment renewal, and dismissal of a resident’s/fellow’s appointment in our UACOM-T sponsored and GMEC-approved Non Standard Training (NST) programs.

This National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research.

Coming Soon. This policy is still in draft form.

To comply with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Institutional and CommonProgram Requirements for Graduate Medical Education (GME), the University of Arizona College of Medicine –Tucson (UACOM-T) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) establishes this policy to provide guidance andoversight for the recruitment, eligibility, selection, and appointment of residents and fellows in UACOM-T ACGME-accredited and GMEC-approved Non Standard Training (NST) programs.

In this policy, the term “trainee” refers to all residents and fellows enrolled in ACGME-accredited and NST programs.

Financial Services Office policy providing guidelines and restrictions for cases in which relocation costs are necessary for an individual to accept employment with the University.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Financial Aid Policy

Establishes policy requiring that health professionals who provide psychiatric/psychological counseling or other sensitive health services to a medical student must have no involvement in the academic assessment or promotion of the medical student receiving those services, excluding exceptional circumstances.

Guidelines for the responsible use of social media by individuals affiliated with the College of Medicine.

This policy clarifies the position of the College of Medicine - Tucson when there may be a perceived or real conflict of interest between a mentee and his/her mentor's other educational roles.

Policy governing the procedure for student assignment to instructional clinical sites.

This policy is intended to describe the process for student challenges to Pre-Clerkship high-stakes exam items
and any resulting grade changes that might take place after a post exam review.

Overall student code of conduct policy for the University of Arizona.

The College of Medicine has secured a group disability insurance plan through Guardian for all medical students. This plan is both comprehensive and affordable and does not require any pre-issuance testing or medical examinations. The details of the plan, including benefits, are covered in these documents. In order to obtain this plan, all students must be enrolled and in good standing. The college assesses a $12.00 fee per semester to your tuition bill (see Bursar's account), which covers your cost of the policy.

Policy governing student disciplinary procedures at the University of Arizona.

Dress code for MD students.

This policy is intended for all student workers (undergraduate or graduate) within the College of Medicine - Tucson that have future intentions to apply to the College of Medicine - Tucson MD program.

This previous version of the policy governing the Student Honor Code Committee was active from January 27, 2010 to June 29, 2013. It is posted for archival purposes.

The current policy is available here.

Establishes policy and procedures for student exposure to potentially infectious agents and/or hazardous materials. Also known as the "needle stick" policy.

This Policy provides the guidelines for maintaining patient safety and establishing reasonable accommodation, confidentiality, and respect for a student who is a carrier of, or has, a bloodborne infection that poses a risk to patients and other healthcare providers.

Governs the requirement to supervise medical students in clinical situations, including definitions of the supervising physician, levels of supervision, and the procedures for such supervision.

To provide students with guidelines for examining patients in a sensitive physical exam.

In order to comply with ACGME Institutional and Common Program Requirements, the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson (UACOM-T) Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) sets forth this policy to outline the procedure for ensuring oversight of supervision of trainees enrolled in UACOM-T sponsored programs.

Mutual responsibilities among learners, educators and administrators at the College of Medicine - Tucson.

Technical Standards Evaluation Policy

To ensure that incoming medical students are able to complete the entire curriculum established by the College of Medicine, the College requires that each student be able to meet the technical standards defined in this document.

This policy outlines the rules governing student transfer to the College of Medicine - Tucson from eligible institutions.

1/26/2022 - It is charged with assuring the highest standards of quality for the educational program leading to the M.D. degree; advancing educational goals; monitoring that accreditation standards are met; and working to assure an excellent, coordinated, integrated, and consistent course of instruction for the preparation of future physicians.

Lists the subcommittees under the Tucson Educational Policy Committee, and the membership and responsibilities of each.